Protecting the Central Queensland Environment since 1973. Capricorn Conservation Council (CCC) is the peak not-for-profit environmental advocacy organisation in Central Queensland. We are a community-based conservation group with a membership of people concerned about protecting and conserving nature. Our office is located in Rockhampton; our working geographical boundary extends from the Capricorn Coast (including the Great Barrier Reef), West to the Northern Territory Border, North to the Mackay Regional Council southern boundary, and South to Gladstone. We are governed by a management committee consisting of a group of nine dedicated volunteers and employ one part-time Coordinator. We hold registered charity status and donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible.
The Central Queensland environment is heavily impacted by mining, land clearing, agriculture, Coal Seam Gas, Liquified Natural Gas, and associated rail, dams, pipelines, and ports. The cumulative impacts of this growth and development create a great need for environmental advocacy in the region.
– Promote the natural environment and work towards ecological sustainability.
– Protect the ecological integrity, environmental values, and biodiversity of the Central Queensland region.
– Facilitate and encourage community engagement in environmental protection and conservation work.
– Protect Biodiversity & Ecological Resilience.
– Promote Ecologically Sustainable Development.
– Ensure that the environmental voice is heard.
– Develop partnerships for nature conservation.
– Protect and enhance environment for future generations.
– Ecosystems are imperative to maintaining a healthy planet.
– To preserve the biodiversity and integrity of species and ecosystems — land, water, marine, and atmosphere.
– To prevent the exploitation of the region’s natural resources when it impacts on ecological sustainability.
– To ensure the CQ community is heard on environmental issues and that individuals receive appropriate assistance and advice.
– To engage the community by developing partnerships and strategic alliances which achieve greater conservation outcomes.