Standing up to the climate crisis requires a strong social movement ecosystem. The Australian climate movement has been a powerful force for positive change, using a diversity of strategies, tactics and organising models. But for the movement to continue to grow and thrive, a movement-wide measurement approach is crucial. Through this measurement we can better understand the Australian climate movement’s strengths and challenges, and identify gaps and opportunities for capacity-building.

Movement-wide measurement enables informed collective action for a thriving social movement and bigger climate wins.

The Movement Monitor is a two year project that will develop a comprehensive movement measurement methodology and apply it to the Australian climate movement. The project is run by researchers at the Commons Library with input from academics, international movement experts, and many stakeholders in the Australian climate movement. The project builds on the Australian Climate Movement Map survey undertaken by the Sunrise Project with input from the Commons Library in 2022.

The project aims to gather and analyse a diverse range of data to provide an annual snap-shot of climate movement impact.

Impact will be measured against a number of defined indicators of movement capacity and power.

These indicators will draw on past research into social movements as well as the identified priorities of stakeholders in the Australian climate movement. The indicators will allow for easy comparison over time, identifying areas of progress, decline or stagnation.

How do we Release Findings?

Findings from the project will help identify movement wide interventions that have the potential to increase movement capacity, coordination and effectiveness.

The mapping process will involve an extensive data collecting exercise and analysis process to help the movement maximise strengths and resources, minimise duplication, and identify gaps for groups, funders and supporters to address.

We’ll make our findings available via:

  • A yearly impact report card
  • The Movement Monitor website and Australian climate movement dashboard 
  • Regular research outputs 

Key Partners and Researchers

Movement Monitor is made possible by funding from the Sunrise Project and Boundless Earth.

The project is coordinated by Holly Hammond (Commons Library Director) with Dr Robyn Gulliver (Research Lead) and Sophie Hartley (Researcher), with the invaluable support of Antje Dun (Information Management & Design), Iain McIntyre (Movement Historian) and Glenn Todd (Web Developer).

How Can You Get Involved?

Project feedback and collaboration

The team is currently seeking feedback on our proposed methodology, which is outlined here – Movement Monitor Methodology Overview including Appendix: Further Detail on Movement Monitor Research Activities.

We are also keen to collaborate on applied and academic projects which use the data to explore climate activism and its impacts.

Reach out to our research team using the Contact Form.

Growing the group and campaign database

If you know a group or campaign that should be registered on the movement monitor website, have movement data to share or you’d like to receive more information about the project, get in touch via the Contact Form.

Keep Up to Date

Want to keep up to date with the Movement Monitor project and different ideas and research about measuring social movements? Subscribe to Movement Monitor News for regular updates.
