Explore different resources below related to climate change and measuring social movements.
An Investigation into the Australian Environmental Movement’s Characteristics and Activities
Robyn Gulliver
Research and insights conducted by Australian academic, Robyn Gulliver, on the Australian environmental movement and campaigners including their experiences, characteristics of the movement, activities, and campaigns.
The Characteristics, Activities and Goals of Australian Environmental Activist Groups
Kelly Fielding, Robyn Gulliver, Winnifred Louis
A detailed examination of the Australian environmental movement demonstrated that in 2017 there were 497 groups undertaking environmental activism, almost half of which focused on conservation issues and worked at a local scale, while collectively running 960 different campaigns.
A Comparative Analysis of Australian Media Coverage of the 2019 Climate Protests
Robyn Gulliver
In this report from the Activism Research Hub, Dr. Gulliver provides an analysis of Australian mainstream media coverage of climate activism and protests in 2019.
Civil Resistance Against Climate Change: What, when, who and how effective?
International Center on Nonviolent Conflict ICNC, Kelly Fielding, Robyn Gulliver, Winnifred Louis
This research considers what Australian climate change civil resistance looks like, how it is changing, and what it is achieving.
Measuring your Impact
Robyn Gulliver, Antje Dun
How do you measure the impact of activism and advocacy work? It can be tricky. Here are some ideas, resources and organisational examples to get you started.
Protest Movements: How effective are they?
Social Change Lab – James Ozden, Sam Glover
This report is based on six months of research into the impact and outcomes of large protest movements.
Case Studies
Australian Campaign Case Study: Stop Adani, 2012 – 2022
Robyn Gulliver
This case study looks at Stop Adani, a directed network campaign aiming to halt the construction of a large thermal coal mine in northern Queensland.
Australian Campaign Case Study: Divestment Campaign 2013 – 2021
Robyn Gulliver
Learn about the Divestment campaign case study in Australia which aimed to secure commitments from institutions to divest from fossil fuels.
Movement Success, Durability and Research with Winnifred Louis (Commons Conversations Podcast)
Hear a conversation between Sophie Hartley, climate activism researcher with the Commons Library, and Professor Winnifred Louis, director of the Social Change Lab at the University of Queensland.
Taking Action
Climate Activism: Start Here
Sophie Hartley
A guide to the Climate Activism resources in the Commons Social Change Library.
10 Tips for how the Climate Movement can Improve Experiences for Activists with Diverse Health Needs
Ans Vercammen, Charlie Wood, Eden Barrett, Jason Wu, Robyn Gulliver, Sophie Hartley
Researchers interviewed climate activists about their physical and mental health experiences. Here are 10 tips based on the activists’ experiences, insights and recommendations.