Connors Dam

The Connors River, the only remaining ‘wild’ river in the Fitzroy Basin is to be damned(sic) for the sake of the sulphurous, low grade, steaming coal,mega-mines in the Galilee Basin. CCC wrote to Minister Burke urging him to consider the potential impact on the vulnerable Fitzroy River Turtle
Consider the potential impact on the vulnerable Fitzroy River Turtle


Project Approved Under EPBC? The Connors River, the only remaining ‘wild’ river in the Fitzroy Basin is to be damned(sic) for the sake of the sulphurous, low grade, steaming coal,mega-mines in the Galilee Basin. The Connors, a small tributary drains the moist coastal ranges near Sarina, providing the Fitzroy’s most reliable post dry season flush. Federal Environment Minister Burke approved the project under the EPBC Act on 19 April 2012. The approval comes with sixteen conditions demonstrating the expected harm to the river and surrounding ecosystem. At risk are the habitats of the endemic Fitzroy River Turtle Rheodytes leucops, Squatter Pigeon (Southern) Gheophaps scripta scripta, Brigalow communities and groundwater. The conditions mainly involve the development of management plans and reporting. CCC wrote to Minister Burke urging him to consider the potential impact on the vulnerable Fitzroy River Turtle [link to letter] CCC has a pending Right To Information Request to ascertain the extent of knowledge and studies into population and demographics of the Turtle. [Ref: ] The Queensland Coordinator-General conditions and recommendations can be read at:

In December 2006, the Queensland Government released the Central Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy (CQRWSS), outlining a range of strategies to help meet the region’s future water supply needs. SunWater, a government owned corporation, is the designated proponent for the project for the feasibility investigations up to the development of a business case. The dam is located on the Connors River near Mount Bridgett in the Isaac Regional Shire approximately 235 km north west of Rockhampton. The proposed dam will be of a roller compacted concrete construction and will include:
• a yield of up to 56 400 Megalitres per annum of high priority water with a full supply level of approximately 169.1 metres and a with an ultimate storage size of 373,540ML being proposed for approval.
• at least one water pipeline from the storage travelling west to the northern Bowen Basin with an initial discharge location at Moranbah and
• a future extension to Alpha to supply the proposed Galilee basin mega-mines Ref:
• fishways and water outlets (fish migration and water release).

The Statewide Water Policy (PDF icon 64 KB), issued on 16 August 2006, committed $56.5 million in funding for the Dam and $60 million for associated water distribution pipelines. Maps and pictures of the proposed Dam site.
Connors River Dam Location (911 kb)
Extent of Inundation of Connors River (143 kb)
Pipeline Route Connors River Dam (405 kb)

CCC’s involvement
Community Liaison Group: A Community Liaison Group (CLG) has been established to ensure the local community is well informed about the project and the EIS process. The CLG allows for the identification and discussion of issues associated with the EIS and ensures community feedback to SunWater on related matters. CCC is a key member of the CLG and has attended both meetings to date. Other members include local business, other environmental groups, community, customer and local government representatives as well as other special interest groups. The CLG has been established to support the EIS phase of the project, which is expected to run from late 2008 to late 2009. This phase covers the draft Terms of Reference, final Terms of Reference, technical studies and development of the draft EIS, the release of the draft EIS for public comment and the supplementary EIS. Meetings will be held at regular points throughout the EIS and although they are closed to the general public, the minutes are publicly available for download. The minutes for these meetings and Newsletters can be found at the Sunwater Connors River Dam website.

Environmental impact statement process
The draft terms of reference (TOR) for the EIS were released for public and advisory agency comment on 31 January 2009 until 9 March 2009. A total of 22 submissions on the draft TOR was received by the Coordinator-General, including 18 from advisory agencies and four from members of the public and organisations. CCC is one of the few that made a submission and we hope that it makes an impact on the EIS. The final Terms of Reference were released in July 2009.

Where is the project at now?
Watch this space as we will update when the EIS becomes available.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Capricorn Conservation Council

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Queensland State government

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2008 to 2008

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: Outcome not yet determined

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Connors Dam