Stop Adani

The movement to stop Adani’s coal and help leave a better world for future generations. The campaign to #StopAdani is one of the biggest people-powered campaigns in Australian history - driven largely by a grassroots network of over 70 local groups taking action in their communities.


People power has been the only thing keeping Adani’s coal in the ground for ten years, and that remains the thing that’s going to stop it.

The campaign to #StopAdani is one of the biggest people-powered campaigns in Australian history – driven largely by a grassroots network of over 70 local groups taking action in their communities. People from all across the world are now joining with us and taking action to stop Adani turbocharging the climate crisis. Hundreds of thousands of people have taken action to #StopAdani. We come from all walks of life but are united by a determination to protect people from the disastrous impacts Adani’s coal will have on water, land rights, and the world’s climate.

We stand in solidarity with the many communities across India and the world that are bravely resisting destructive Adani coal projects. Join the movement to stop Adani’s coal and help leave a better world for future generations. The #StopAdani movement is made up of thousands of individuals and community groups across Australia. No individual, group, or organisation can vouch for, nor is responsible for, content produced by the movement. For issues arising from individual or community group campaigns, we recommend you contact that individual or community group.

STAND WITH WANGAN & JAGALINGOU: Right now, Adani is ripping the heart out of Wangan and Jagalingou country, the Aboriginal land where Adani is trying to dig its coal mine. Will you stand with them?
EXPOSE ADANI’S GREENWASH: The Adani Group wants to rebrand itself as a leader on climate change and clean energy. But there’s a big problem – Adani are mining, handling, and burning record volumes of coal – the numb (show all)
STOP THE MONEY: The world’s biggest investors are funding Adani’s coal. Investors like BlackRock, State Bank of India, JP Morgan, HSBC and MUFG. Together, we will stop the money and push them to divest from Adani.

$1 billion dollars for a billionaire? Yeah, no thanks. When Resources Minister Matt Canavan proposed the insane idea of giving Adani $1 billion of taxpayer money to fast-track the Carmichae (show all)
STOPPED ADANI GETTING ANY FUNDING FOR THE MINE: Thanks to our people-powered movement, Adani can’t find any investor willing to directly fund its climate-wrecking project. Dozens of major banks have ruled out funding Adani’s mine, inclu (show all)
KEPT GALILEE COAL IN THE GROUND: Adani purchased its license to mine coal in the Galilee Basin on August 3rd, 2010. Adani planned to commence production in 2014 and ramp up to export 60 million tonnes of coal every year, f (show all)
BUILT A POWERFUL MOVEMENT: The #StopAdani movement has built one of the biggest grassroots networks in Australia. Over 100 local #StopAdani groups have kept Adani’s coal in the ground by organising thousands of crea (show all)
EXPOSED ADANI’S DODGY TRACK RECORD: Adani has a long history of environmental destruction, human rights abuses and unethical corporate behaviour. The StopAdani movement has helped expose Adani for breaking Queensland laws, le (show all).

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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