Climate and Health Alliance

The Climate and Health Alliance is a coalition of health care stakeholders who work together to see the threat to human health from climate change and ecological degradation addressed through prompt policy action.


The Climate and Health Alliance is a coalition of health care stakeholders who work together to see the threat to human health from climate change and ecological degradation addressed through prompt policy action. The membership of CAHA includes organisations and individuals from across the health sector, with organisations representing health care professionals from medicine, nursing, public health, social work and psychology, as well as health care service providers, research and academic institutions, and health consumers.

Why we exist
Climate change is the greatest threat to health we face.

Our theory of change
If the health sector leads on climate advocacy and solutions, decision-makers and the public will act, because the community cares about health and trusts health voices.

Our mission
To build a powerful health sector movement for climate action and sustainable healthcare.

Our vision
The health sector plays a leading role in restoring a safe climate, and an ecologically sustainable, just and healthy world.

Recognition and commitment
We recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People as the traditional custodians of the land on which we live and work and acknowledge that sovereignty of the land we call Australia has never been ceded. We commit to listening to and learning from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people about how we can better reflect Indigenous ways of being and knowing in our work. (sourced from website 31/10/2021)

Our Story
Tackling climate change could be the greatest global health opportunity of the 21st century. — The Lancet. The Climate and Health Alliance is Australia’s peak body on climate and health. CAHA is a coalition of 100+ health and medical groups, academic and research institutions, health care service providers and unions. Since 2010, CAHA has employed effective evidence-based advocacy, a collaborative approach and a willingness to engage professionals, policymakers and media. Today, our Alliance has achieved national and global recognition. The international medical journal The Lancet has described our efforts as an example that leaders should look to “for inspiration and achievement”.By working together, the health sector can lead action on climate to protect our health.

Our Values
– Integrity: We are honest in our actions in our statements; we respect others, and keep our commitments
– Evidence: Our work is based on scientific evidence, and we utilise and encourage research to guide our work
– Inclusiveness: We aim to engage a wide range of stakeholders to ensure our work is informed by a diversity of views and opinions
– Commitment: We are unwavering in our commitment to achieve our goals
– Collaboration: We recognise our success depends on collaborating with others
– Passion: We are determined to ensure all possible actions are taken to protect people’s health from climate change
– Fairness: We abide by principles of social and environmental justice.