Healthy Energy Initiative

The Healthy Energy Initiative is a global collaboration of health professionals, health organizations, and health researchers engaging in science-based advocacy for a move away from fossil fuel-based power generation—particularly coal—and toward clean, renewable, healthy energy options.
Raise awareness about the risks to health from current energy policy in Australia


We need clean, healthy, safe, and sustainable energy systems
The Healthy Energy Initiative is a global collaboration of health professionals, health organizations, and health researchers engaging in science-based advocacy for a move away from fossil fuel-based power generation—particularly coal—and toward clean, renewable, healthy energy options. The Climate and Health Alliance is engaged in a series of projects to raise awareness among health professionals and the wider community about the risks to health from current energy policy in Australia, based as it is on fossil fuels, particularly for energy generation and transport. Current energy systems in Australia are posing serious risks to health and contribute to emissions growth and climate change. The burning of coal for electricity generation and other fossil fuels for transport poses serious direct risks to human health. In contrast, renewable energy technologies that harvest natural resources such as wind and solar power provide clean, healthy, safe alternatives to fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas. Click here for more information.

The Health Impacts of Energy Choices
The Health Impacts of Energy Choices is a set of resources (including a briefing paper, a fact sheet, and two graphics) developed by the Healthy Energy Initiative that summarize the key health considerations in energy systems and energy policy. The resources were developed for health care and public health professionals, but they are accessible to a broad, global audience. As part of the Healthy Energy Toolbox, these resources can be freely used to support education, outreach, communications, and advocacy about the relationship between human health, energy, and climate change. More information is available at Healthy Energy Initiative.

Leading health bodies declare Australia’s reliance on coal dangerous for health
Download Briefing Draft Paper. Prominent health organisations from across Australia are calling for a phase out of coal citing a growing and significant body of research documenting severe health effects. The health groups include: the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA), Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF), National Toxics Network (NTN), Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH), Australian Medical Students Association (AMSA), Women’s Health East (WHE) and CAHA.

Health and Energy Choices: Joint Position
Paper and Background Paper
All sources of energy to support human activity have implications for health. We, as a society, need to choose how we harvest energy so that we use the ones with the least overall adverse impacts on health. These papers on Health and Energy Choices seek to open this discussion for Australia, and begin a national conversation about making energy choices that benefit us now and into the future. This Position Paper outlines the concerns and recommendations for action to reduce risks to health from current energy choices. It has been produced by a collaboration of health sector organisations concerned that the health impacts Australia’s energy choices are not being considered in public policy decision-making. An accompanying Background Paper provides an overview of evidence with regard to the risks to human health and wellbeing associated with fossil fuel energy resources as well as their alternatives.

Download Papers as PDFs
• Health and Energy Choices: Position Paper (795 Kb)
• Health and Energy Choices: Background Briefing Paper (3.6 Mb) Papers as PDFs with High-res images (300dpi compressed)
• Health and Energy Choices: Position Paper (3.8 Mb)
• Health and Energy Choices: Background Briefing Paper (22.7 Mb).

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Climate and Health Alliance

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Health professionals and the wider community

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2012 to 2022

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: No data was presented on their website or identified through an online search establishing how many people have raised awareness about the risks to health from current energy policy in Australia

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Healthy Energy Initiative