2020 Healthcare Climate Challenge

The 2020 Health Care Climate Challenge is an initiative by the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH) Network to mobilise hospitals and health centres around the world to commit to 2020 emissions reduction targets.
Protect public health from climate change


The 2020 Health Care Climate Challenge is an initiative by the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH) Network to mobilise hospitals and health centres around the world to commit to 2020 emissions reduction targets. The Challenge and pledge are based on three main pillars of climate mitigation, resilience and leadership. Any hospital, health system, or health organisation can join the 2020 Challenge for free. For non-GGHH members, signing up automatically results in membership to GGHH. For more info, including how to sign up, click here. Challenge Participants from the Pacific region:
• Counties Manukau District Health Board
• Kooweerup Regional Health Service
• Mater Misericordiae Limited
• New South Wales Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA) Queanbeyan District Hospital

Awards Program for 2020 Challenge
The 2020 Challenge also has an annual Awards program which gives participants the chance to be internationally recognised for their efforts in achieving low-carbon healthcare. More info here. Winners from the 2016 Awards season will be announced soon, so stay tuned!

About the Challenge
The 2020 Health Care Climate Challenge is a GGHH initiative to mobilize health care institutions around the globe to protect public health from climate change. Health care is uniquely positioned to play a leading role in addressing climate change, which The Lancet has called the greatest health threat of the 21 century. Leading hospitals and health systems from more than 20 countries have already joined the 2020 Challenge and committed to taking meaningful action. Any hospital, health system, or health organization can join the 2020 Challenge. By doing so, they are granted automatic membership in GGHH. The first step is to sign the 2020 Challenge pledge The Challenge and pledge are based on three main pillars:
1. Mitigation – Reducing health care’s own carbon footprint and/or fostering low carbon health care.
2. Resilience – Preparing for the impacts of extreme weather and the shifting burden of disease.
3. Leadership – Educating staff and the public while promoting policies to protect public health from climate change.

Visit the 2020 Health Care Climate Challenge section for more information, lists of participants, and information on how to join. Click here to sign the Pledge.

2020 Challenge Participants
The 2020 Challenge currently has 133 participants, representing more than 9000 hospitals and health centers in 23 countries. Click here to access the list of Participants.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Climate and Health Alliance

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Health care institutions

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2016 to 2022

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: No data was presented on their website or identified through an online search establishing if public health has been protected from climate change by health care institutions

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


2020 Healthcare Climate Challenge