Tasmanian Conservation Trust

The Tasmanian Conservation Trust works to preserve Tasmania's biodiversity, natural values, built and cultural heritage.


The Tasmanian Conservation Trust works to preserve Tasmania’s biodiversity, natural values, built and cultural heritage. A big part of our daily work is helping every-day Tasmanian’s protect the places they love. If you have concerns about over-development, large or small don’t hesitate, contact us today. We find that developers are willing to talk and make some compromises. You may be able to work with a proponent or council to make a development acceptable, or in some cases defeat it entirely.

We assist:
residents seeking advice regarding sale and development of publicly owned land
concerned landowners rehabilitate their property.
local communities opposing the expansion of Industrial Fish Farming.

We can help:
protect significant habitat for threatened or endangered species
negotiate protections for your local area or amenity
advise on your grounds of appeal regarding a major development.

Founded in 1968, the TCT is the longest continuing environment organisation in Tasmania. Involved in the full breadth of environmental issues: The TCT is the only Tasmanian conservation organisation that involves itself in the full range of conservation issues. We work on marine protected areas, wild fisheries, aquaculture, reserve management, creation of new reserves, public forest conservation, vegetation protection on private land, water management, threatened species, non-threatened wildlife, feral animals, weeds, diseases, planning, coastal conservation, cultural heritage and others issues. Underlying philosophy: The TCT operates as a non-political organisation that can engage with government, industry and the wider community in a non-confrontationist manner to achieve genuine, on-ground conservation outcomes. We aim to provide independent, informed and scientifically based arguments to support our objectives. Cooperates and participates in government processes: The TCT devotes a great deal of time and resources to participating in a large number of high-level State and Australian Government advisory bodies and committees. Within the limits of our resources we aim to respond to all important requests from all levels of government for submissions on reports, discussion papers, management plans etc.

The TCT works with other groups (members and non-members) on issues of shared concern in numerous ways:
providing advice on a day-to-day basis
administering projects for other groups
being represented on community and natural resource management group steering committees
providing other groups with feedback and information about our involvement in high-level committees

On-ground projects: The TCT also runs strategically important on-ground management projects. Monitors development proposals. The TCT assesses and comments on proposed developments that could have significant conservation impacts, and takes appeals and legal action when necessary. Members: The TCT’s members are a broad range of individuals, groups and businesses. Membership is open to any individual or organisation. Goverance: The TCT is governed by a Council elected from the membership and appointed annually at the Annual General Meeting.