Stop Adani Digital Storytellers

The purpose of this group is to encourage and support each other to develop and share compelling digital stories from the Stop Adani campaign. This is a place for swapping ideas, inspirational examples, valuable resources and technical tips so we can increase the reach and visibility of the campaign through the power of storytelling and social media.


The purpose of this group is to encourage and support each other to develop and share compelling digital stories from the Stop Adani campaign. This is a place for swapping ideas, inspirational examples, valuable resources and technical tips so we can increase the reach and visibility of the campaign through the power of storytelling and social media.

We know that for change to happen, we need to vastly increase the amount of people who are emotionally connected to the need for change, and we can do that by creating and posting personal stories that will reach our friends, family and wider social networks from our own accounts. We all know people involved in this epic campaign who are inspiring in their commitment, creativity or sheer passion. Why don’t we tell the stories of these amazing people and groups and inspire others to join us?
– Please keep posts relevant to the Stop Adani movement and the power of narrative.
– If you see a post and you think you can help, then don’t be shy, reply!
– If you see something you think others would be interested in, post to the group. Sharing is caring!
– Be respectful. We are a network of many different backgrounds all doing our best to secure a liveable climate for the next generation.
– The campaign page is at

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Stop Adani


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:





Facebook: Stop Adani Digital Storytellers