South West Environment Centre

South West Environment Centre are the peak conservation group for the Greater Bunbury region of Western Australia (WA), having been active since 1991, and we are working for a better environment for the future and towards a sustainable future for the whole planet.


SWEC is dedicated and committed to protecting our natural environment and heritage. SWEC is an incorporated non-profit community group that operates through volunteers and we invite interested people of all ages to join our team effort. We are the peak conservation group for the Greater Bunbury region of Western Australia (WA), having been active since 1991, and we are working for a better environment for the future and towards a sustainable future for the whole planet, with main focus on local issues but also state, national and global. We have a Strategic Plan and policies to guide our activities, see link below.

SWEC promotes environmental awareness through public education and the media, monitors proposed projects, lobbies for better practices, works cooperatively with other agencies and publishes a monthly newsletter for members and schools. Our recent campaigns, with other groups, have been protecting College Grove bushland, Bunbury’s priceless 7km bush-belt (the Ocean to Preston River Regional Park), Save Yarragadee (underground aquifer), keeping hazardous waste out of Kemerton and ending logging in old growth forests.

We are currently campaigning with the Western Australian Forest Alliance (WAFA) and The Wilderness Society (WA) to end logging of native forest in WA. We are also campaigning on Climate Change and are involved in a campaign for a far larger area of the WA coastline to be preserved in marine sanctuaries with Save Our Marine Life. We are also affiliated with the Conservation Council of WA (CCWA).

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:


Bushland Bunbury and SCP

Climate Action Bunbury

End logging of native forests in WA

Save our Marine Life SWEC





Federal Electorate:


Website: South West Environment Centre

Facebook: South West Environment Centre