Group Status
Campaign Outcome
Target Type
Federal Electorates
Geographic Range
Surfrider Foundation Margaret River Branch and a number of local community groups have joined forces to tackle the issue of plastic pollution from plastic shopping bags in Margaret River through the implementation of a bag share initiative called Boomerang Bags.
There are a number of areas of bushland in the Greater Bunbury Region, as part of the Swan Coastal Plain that are currently threatened by land clearing
The current focus of action at this time is to put a stop to the financing of Climate Change by the big four banks in Australia, particularly the ANZ Bank - the dirtiest bank in Australia.
The logging of jarrah and marri trees in the Mowen Forest will affect threatened animal species such as the Forest Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo, Baudin's Cockatoo, Brush-tailed Phascogale, Orange-bellied Frog and the Quokka. In 2015 our group raised $110,000 in pledges to buy Mowen Forest from the State Government. A cheque was offered to the Premier but he declined to accept it. We also raised more than $10,000 in funds to support protestors who faced fines after participating in non- violent direct action. + visit the Save the Mowen Forest camp.
Join TMR - a local community group aiming to build resilience and cooperation in the Margaret River region (WA) to create a happier, more sustainable future! Part of the Transition movement.