South East Forest Rescue

Since 2001 South East Forest Rescue has taken a firm stand on environmental protection of the native forest estate, and acts with deep concern for the welfare of forest-dependent threatened species and the cumulative impacts of industrial degradation of native forests that are exacerbating extinction rates and destroying soil, water, and carbon capacity. (Based in NSW)


Since 2001 South East Forest Rescue has taken a firm stand on environmental protection of the native forest estate, and acts with deep concern for the welfare of forest-dependent threatened species and the cumulative impacts of industrial degradation of native forests that are exacerbating extinction rates and destroying soil, water, and carbon capacity. South East Forest Rescue calls for indigenous ownership of all public native forest, a complete stop on logging of endangered ecological communities, complete transfer of wood product reliance to the plantation timber industry and salvage recycled hardwood timber industry, a single authority for national native forest stewardship modelled on the New Zealand example, and an immediate nation-wide program of catchment remediation and native habitat reafforestation. We stand by our commitment to native forest protection and take all opportunities presented to advocate for native forest justice.

What We Do
South East Forest Rescue carries out research, auditing and surveys of State forests, Forestry Corporation NSW and South East Fibre Exports/Nippon Paper native forest logging and woodchipping practices. This auditing involves documenting breaches by the Forestry Corporation NSW, South East Fibre Exports/Nippon Paper, and their logging contractors of Regional Forest Agreements (‘RFAs’), Integrated Forestry Operations Approvals (‘IFOAs’), Threatened Species Licences, Environment Protection Licences and other non-licence conditions. These reports are then sent to the relevant regulators, either the EPA or DoEH (Cth).

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:





Federal Electorate:


Website: South East Forest Rescue

Facebook: South East Forest Rescue