
Group Status

Campaign Outcome

Target Type




Federal Electorates

Geographic Range


A local group of the Move Beyond Coal campaign.
Helping to Create Community Cohesion, Resilience and Sustainability in the Shoalhaven City (NSW) by supporting Local Businesses, Food Production, Home Made Specialty Items, reducing waste, supporting renewable energy, better soil management to sequester carbon.
The Shoalhaven (NSW) chapter of the Stop Adani movement.
Since 2001 South East Forest Rescue has taken a firm stand on environmental protection of the native forest estate, and acts with deep concern for the welfare of forest-dependent threatened species and the cumulative impacts of industrial degradation of native forests that are exacerbating extinction rates and destroying soil, water, and carbon capacity. (Based in NSW)
Part of the Transition movement. Helping to Create Community Cohesion, Resilience and Sustainability in the Shoalhaven City by supporting Local Businesses, Food Production, Home Made Specialty Items, reducing waste, supporting renewable energy, better soil management to sequester carbon