Maroondah Climate Change Action

MaCCA was formed in early 2007 by residents of Maroondah who believe not enough is being done in Australia to combat dangerous climate change. MaCCA is our response to the urgent need for immediate action, to make swift and significant cuts to our greenhouse gas emissions.


MaCCA was formed in early 2007 by residents of Maroondah who believe not enough is being done in Australia to combat dangerous climate change. MaCCA is our response to the urgent need for immediate action, to make swift and significant cuts to our greenhouse gas emissions. We are a diverse group with interests and expertise in teaching, art, project management, community development, small business, corporate business, IT, music, dance, environment, psychology, renewable energy, social work, nursing, ecology and alternative therapies.

We believe climate change is a moral issue that has been heavily politicized. We believe it is ethically wrong to pollute and denude the planet, robbing our children and other life forms of a sustainable and healthy world. We aim to refocus the issue positively, by researching facts from credible sources and focusing on equitable and sustainable solutions. We believe that once people know the truth and understand their options, they will act. Please read our list of 10 asks of the future Australian Government.

Mission Statement
We are focused on avoiding dangerous climate change by assisting Australia to achieve swift and significant cuts in its greenhouse gas emissions through promotion of sustainable practices, particularly around energy efficiency and large scale uptake of renewable energy. We work in collaboration with the local council, schools, churches, clubs, welfare organizations and other community groups to provide education and to foster sustainable practices which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We aim to promote the development and switch to clean renewable and sustainable energy; this does not include nuclear or sequestered greenhouse gas options. We are advocates for change at all levels of government to influence policy & promote sustainable practices as the science requires. We want to encourage voters to recognize their considerable influence over candidates in this very marginal seat of Deakin, in the lead up to the federal election.

Congratulations to MaCCA, and to all the people who assisted and supported us in a fantastic drive to help keep climate change on the election agenda. The combined efforts of aware and committed people in Maroondah and its environs, surveying, letterboxing, organising events, participating in forums, and lobbying through meetings, letter- writing and radio talk back, has helped to raise awareness of the urgency for real action on climate change. We have helped to promote the facts above the spin. A new sense of hope has emerged. Enjoy our Walk Against Warming photos

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , ,

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Federal Electorate:


Website: Maroondah Climate Change Action