Hunter Valley Protection Alliance

The Hunter Valley Protection Alliance HVPA is committed to safeguarding Australias oldest wine area from the proliferation of coal seam gas mining.


About Hunter Valley Protection Alliance. We are an environmental group from the banks of the Wollombi Brook, a tributary of the Hunter River. We are all volunteers fighting to protect the environment of our beautiful valley from irresponsible exploration by energy companies. Five years ago, then Sydney Gas, now AGL Energy acquired coal seam methane gas (CSG) exploration leases in our area from the NSW Government. They tried to convince us that CSG methane extracting industry, their “AGL Hunter Gas Project”, is perfectly compatible with the ambience of our valley. We have studied the experiences from the gas fields in Queensland, from the USA and from Canada and came to the conclusion that the current NSW legislation framework does not provide sufficient protection for the local residents. Consequently, we are now called “NIMBIEs”, reactionaries, Luddites and “a special interest group”.

We are not NIMBIEs. Our valley has three big coal mines on the edges, we have Australian Army firing range, geothermal energy explorations on the outskirts of the Wollemi National Park and now two CSG exploration leases. All this activity is associated with dust, noise and water pollution. We are certainly giving more then our share to the State and to the energy companies. We are not Luddites or reactionary hillbillies. We work in the coal mines, drive tractors, breed cattle, grow grapes, make wine and provide pleasant tourist accommodation for tired big city dwellers. We use the Internet and we are well aware that our current life style is dependent on a large input of energy which has to come from somewhere. We are also aware from our research that the 200-years rein of fossil fuels is nearing its end.

It is strange that someone regards citizens of a particular area, who care about their land, air and water to be “a special interest group” with some sinister connotations. Two great Australian rivers, Murray – Darling have been seriously damaged if not lost by bureaucratic bungles. In the end, it is only the local citizens, and not the decision-makers in the distant city offices, who really pay the cost of all the environmental disasters. That is why we oppose coal seam gas exploration in densely populated rural areas. Our reasons are given below.

• Web:
• Email: [email protected]
• Forum:

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:


AGL Energy





Federal Electorate:


Website: Hunter Valley Protection Alliance

Facebook: Hunter Valley Protection Alliance