Guarding the Galilee Wyndham

Guarding the Galilee Wyndham is a group that helps you keep up-to-date on the 'Adani Coalmine' issue and the events are occurring in your local community to #StopAdani.


Like the page to keep yourselves up-to-date on the ‘Adani Coalmine’ issue and the events are occurring in your local community to #StopAdani. Want to help stop the biggest coal mine in Australia’s history? Donate now to bring our new film #StopAdani: A Mighty Force to screens across Australia! For more information check out the website below:

Hello everyone, As you may be aware the Stop Adani Melbourne Summit is happening on the 29th of October. It’s timing is 9:30-4:30 at Fitzroy town hall. You can buy individual tickets or book with us as a group and you’ll get cheaper tickets. If you are interested in buying joining our table at the summit please comment below or message us. Thanks.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Stop Adani


Group Status:

Years Active: ,

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Region: ,

Federal Electorate:


Facebook: Guarding the Galilee Wyndham