Galilee Blockade

Galilee Blockade aims to protect the Galilee basin from coal and gas extraction.


Together we will #StopAdani

Galilee Blockade aims to protect the Galilee basin from coal and gas extraction. We have been successful so far but the threat is greater than ever. We are committed to taking action to keep Adani’s Carmichael coal mine from destroying our climate. A clear majority of Australians want to stop the Adani mine. Powerful billionaires and compliant political parties have stymied the will of the people – threatening the very survival of countless ecosystems and species, including humanity. And when the voice of the people starts to become too loud, they try to silence it through fear. This exactly what Adani is doing now by suing our previous national spokesperson Ben – trying to intimidate us from standing up for our children and grandchildren.

Will you let a corporate bully use standover tactics to silence you? Or will you stand up even stronger? Civil resistance is the final and necessary step for us to win. It is a powerful strategy that changes the status quo. It moves power from the vested interests to the people, where it belongs.

Civil resistance is not easy. It directly challenges powerful people and institutions, but it shifts the political spectrum of what’s possible. The #StopAdani campaign is a line in the sand, a campaign of international significance and ecological necessity. Are you ready to shift the power? Sign up today! Together we will win!

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Galilee Blockade




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Website: Galilee Blockade