Dorset Renewable Cooperative

We work to encourage, promote and develop the sustainable use of renewable resources in a way which benefits the community while protecting the environment.


To encourage, promote and develop the sustainable use of renewable resources in a way which benefits the community while protecting the environment.

What is Dorset Renewable Co-operative Limited
As a bunch of committed people keen to see the Dorset region shine, we established Dorset Renewable Industries. After completing the integrated timber processing hub at Ling Siding, we have gone on to sponsor the formation of Dorset Renewable Co-operative Limited. We believe that Dorset’s future is bright and we are keen to ensure further investment in our community. Ahhhh the good old days… there was a time in the Dorset community when business was booming and the timber industry was alive in the region. Over 500 people were in full employment in the industry, and many families within the community had a connection to someone who worked within the industry. However, when the closure of timber related industries occurred in the area, the community experienced great difficulties and hardships. It was devastating and at one point the Dorset community had the highest unemployment rate in Tasmania! As a result of these hard times, the Dorset Renewable Industries group was formed.

What will we be doing
The first project we are working on is to develop a wood pellet plant at Ling Siding. Wood pellets are a premium renewable fuel made by compressing waste sawdust to form biomass pellets. Pellets can be used as fuel whenever heat is required, they also make an excellent pet litter or bed litter for stables. The predictability of wood pellets made to tight specifications, means they can be used very conveniently in automated, efficient and clean burning equipment.

How do you become involved?
Become a member: Our aim is to have members from the community who want to see a change and value keeping things at a local level. As a member of the co-operative you’ll be able to have your say and help to make a difference in our region. If you want to find out more about our investment opportunities coming up click the button below.

Benefits of membership: Your membership will help develop a renewable energy resource that currently goes to waste; it will strengthen existing businesses and create new jobs while providing a clean and convenient renewable fuel for the community’s heating needs. Your investment in the co-operative will make you the part owner of a community owned renewable energy project – the pellet plant.
When the pellet plant is profitable the co-operative will be in a position to pay dividends to its members in proportion to each member’s investment in the co-operative.
The co-operative will look for ways to provide other services to members, such as discounts on pellet purchases.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


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Website: Dorset Renewable Cooperative