Group Status
Campaign Outcome
Target Type
Federal Electorates
Geographic Range

We fought a hard fight against Gunns in stopping their proposed pulp mill – and won. Gunns is an example of what we can do together for our wilderness as we stand up against unsustainable businesses.

While the TCT’s goal is to stop the mill rather than bring down a company, this certainly has deterred any other investor from coming forward.

A campaign centre for The Wilderness Society in Launceston. Our vision is for a Tasmania which leads by example, showing that natural ecosystems and processes are valued and protected; in turn, providing a safe climate and healthy environment for nature and people.

Transition Tamar is part of a worldwide movement building adaptable communities in response to the climate & ecological emergencies facing us. Join with us & our project groups as we evolve a more connected and resilient Tamar Valley region for all of us. Transition Tamar is a Local Group of Permaculture Tasmania, and a member of the Transition Network. Based in TAS.