The Dirty Dozen

This national 2022-23 campaign called on the federal government to reform the Safeguard Mechanism, and set strong emissions limits on Australia’s biggest fossil fuel polluters. Several groups around the country participated in the campaign. See a similar campaign entry for Climate Action Network Australia.
To make sure reform of the Safeguard Mechanism is as strong as possible. This includes hard limits on industrial emissions, forcing companies like those in the Dirty Dozen to make genuine cuts to their emissions, and an end to dodgy practices that would see fossil fuel companies pay to keep on polluting by buying cheap offsets


Big fossil fuel companies in Australia are feeding the climate crisis – threatening our future and destroying our environment, while paying no income tax, raking in billions in profit, and giving little back to our community. Meet Australia’s 12 biggest fossil fuel polluters, the Dirty Dozen. Their dirty deeds aren’t done cheap – they’re costing us a safe future.
* Chevron
* Woodside Energy
* Anglo American
* Santos
* Glencore
* Inpex
* Shell
* ConocoPhillips
* South32
* Esso (ExxonMobil)
* Centennial

For too long, these corporations have had a free ride on how much they can pollute – just check their records on emissions and environmental damage. Collectively, the 12 fossil fuel giants profiled in this report have pumped out a massive 287.8 million tonnes of harmful CO2 equivalent emissions since 2016 – that’s equivalent to more than half of Australia’s total emissions for a year. As the Australian Government prepares to strengthen the key national policy that regulates industrial emissions – the Safeguard Mechanism – we’ve taken a closer look at these corporations. Together, these 12 fossil fuel giants produce just over 40 percent of all emissions regulated by the Safeguard Mechanism, so it is essential they start pulling their weight in the shared national effort to cut harmful emissions

Want more information? Check out some of our FAQs below:
What is the Safeguard Mechanism? 
– The Safeguard Mechanism is the most important climate policy you’ve probably never heard of. It covers Australia’s 215 biggest polluters, including a who’s who of fossil fuel companies and big miners – like Santos, BHP, Anglo Coal, Woodside, Chevron and Rio Tinto, and aims to set genuine emissions limits on the amount that these companies can pollute. This policy is a key part of the Labor Government’s plans to cut the harmful greenhouse emissions that are driving the climate crisis. Find out more about the Safeguard Mechanism here. 
Why is the Safeguard Mechanism so important? 
– Australia cannot meet our legislated emissions reductions targets and make real progress to reduce climate damage if we don’t get the Safeguard Mechanism right. The 215 big carbon polluters in the Safeguard Mechanism are responsible for over half of Australia’s total emissions for a year, and must pull their weight and do their fair share of reducing national emissions. If they are allowed to do less,  Australian households, small businesses, and sectors including agriculture and manufacturing will be forced to do more. Find out more about the Safeguard Mechanism here. 
What is the Climate Council’s Dirty Dozen campaign about? 
– The Climate Council is fighting hard to make sure reform of the Safeguard Mechanism is as strong as possible. Working with other climate and environment groups, we have been briefing key decision makers, and advocating for robust changes to the Safeguard Mechanism. This includes hard limits on industrial emissions, forcing companies like those in the Dirty Dozen to make genuine cuts to their emissions, and an end to dodgy practices that would see fossil fuel companies pay to keep on polluting by buying cheap offsets. Read more in our submission to the Safeguard Mechanism Review. Download our Dirty Dozen report here.
What more can I do? 
– The Federal Government’s draft recommendations of changes to the Safeguard Mechanism will be released in early 2023. Until then, our Dirty Dozen campaign is fighting back against the big fossil fuel corporations that want to see the policy remain weak.  Check out the video above and share it with your networks to keep the spotlight on the Dirty Dozen.

Then, stay up to date with the campaign by subscribing to our email list, or chip in a donation today to power the campaign and fight back against the Dirty Dozen. 

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Climate Council of Australia

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Federal government

Groups - Other: Climate Action Network Australia, Friends of the Earth Australia, Lighter Footprints, Queensland Conservation Council, Act on Climate Victoria, Australian Conservation Foundation,

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2022 to 2023

Campaign Outcome:

Geographic Range of Activity:


The Dirty Dozen