Effective local climate action. Lighter Footprints is a local climate group committed to leading effective climate action. As a community based organisation working across Melbourne’s inner-east, we aim to influence local, state and national decision makers to take the action necessary to halt global warming as a matter of urgency. November 3 Make Solar Easy MCPH Solar Program information night.
About us
Lighter Footprints is a leading, local climate group committed to facilitating effective climate action. Working together, we can do so much more than alone. For over a decade, we have educated, advocated and brought people together in Boroondara and surrounding suburbs to inform the community and promote a clean energy future.
Our core activities are:
• Monthly Meetings: We offer a range of exciting speakers on clean energy, sustainability and climate action at our monthly meetings. We meet at 7.30pm on the last Wednesday of the month, currently mostly online. Check our What’s On page for the notice of our next meeting. You are warmly invited to attend and hear our speakers and learn what we do.
• Community engagement: We build local presence and influence through community outreach activities including street conversations, community events and stalls at markets and festivals, including the Sustainable Living Festival.
• Large scale community forums: Once or twice a year, we run large public events on specific issues, often in association with elections. These feature interesting speakers who are either experts in their fields and/or politicians to inform voters on challenging topics.
• Writing expert submissions: Through pooling expertise within our group, we have researched and written dozens of submissions to federal, state and local government. These reports enhance the body of work available online on climate change issues.
• Lobbying politicians and local government
Regular communication with Boroondara Council, state and federal members keeps us linked into the politics of climate change. Our reports, speaker meetings and forums are acknowledged as important initiatives for educating voters and contributing to political change. Lighter Footprints is a member of the climate peak body Climate Action Network Australia. Through these activities, we aim to achieve our mission and vision and influence decision makers.
Mission: Lighter Footprints aims to influence Australian local, state and national decision makers to take the action necessary to halt global warming as a matter of urgency.
Vision: As a committed local climate action group, Lighter Footprints aims to lead and stimulate action that will help to ensure a safe climate future. This will require a significant change in the attitudes and actions of the community.
Influencing decision makers: We aim to use our expertise and growing influence with decision makers at all levels to foster positive action on the climate crisis. Our focus is on learning from experts to establish policy positions and taking a variety of supporting actions.
Lighter Footprints has always been non-partisan, has a broad base and welcomes supporters from across all political persuasions, but remains indepdendent of all politial parties. Lighter Footprints is not Government funded and is powered by community support. Lighter Footprints’ members are active in the community and act on their own behalf in a variety of ways.
Our Committee
Lighter Footprints is an incorporated association and as such is required to have a Committee which has overall responsibility for the activities of the association, including its financial management and reporting obligations. The committee generally meets fortnightly and takes responsibility for organising our monthly meetings. Committee members tend to be actively involved in a working group as well as being a member of the Committee which assists in the communication between the working groups and the committee. The Committee is elected each year at the Annual General Meeting in August. If you are interested in joining the Committee please contact Lynn Frankes (0425 843 685) or Mick Nolan (0408 485 008) to discuss.