Act on Climate Victoria

Act on Climate Victoria is a local climate action group. They are a member of Friends of the Earth Melbourne, based in Victoria.


Communities across the country are experiencing worsening climate impacts…
It’s why we are fighting for deep emissions cuts and measures to help protect the community… Act on Climate is working with communities, workers, unions, businesses and other stakeholders to build a strong and diverse pro-climate-action constituency that governments can’t ignore

Together we can push for national climate policy that aligns with the science.

Will you make a donation and help us ramp up our campaign to support communties on the frontline of climate impacts? (Sourced Dec 2023). Our vision for climate justice
Act on Climate is made up of a diversity of communities, from the inner city to rural areas, young and old, and from many professions, who are already seeing the impacts of climate change in their lives in different ways. We are bringing together a coalition of groups fighting for all forms of social and environmental justice, businesses, and community interest groups to advocate for strong and swift action on climate. Through holding forums, roundtable discussions, fun actions, and media presence, we are able to facilitate these groups to advocate for their communities and pitch proactive ideas through state government climate policy development processes. “Action is the antidote to despair” – Anonymous… To work with communities, workers, unions, businesses and other stakeholders to build a strong and diverse pro-climate-action constituency that governments can’t ignore
To build resilient communities that are prepared for the impacts of climate change
To influence policies that prevent climate change from getting worse and also that prepare us for climate change adaptation
To build and demonstrate strong public support for climate change action through community organising, political action, and media presence
To empower communities to talk about the ways the climate crisis is already impacting on their lives, and about the positive, job-creating solutions they want to see that have social justice at their core.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Friends of the Earth Australia


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:


Act on Climate

A Community Climate Adaptation Fund for Victoria

Victoria Needs A Volunteer Remote Area Firefighting Team

People’s Climate Strategy for Victoria





Website: Act on Climate Victoria

Facebook: Act on Climate Victoria

X: Act on Climate Victoria

Instagram: Act on Climate Victoria