Climate change and Central Queensland coral reefs

Amongst other impacts, the effects of warming conditions on the Keppel region reefs are of particular concern as predictions are that coral bleaching will become an annual event within the next 30-50 years time. Reducing greenhouse emissions is the key to halting and reversing anthropogenic climate change impacts. CCC is continually lobbying the State and Federal Governments to reduce Australia’s greenhouse emissions and to urge other countries to do so too through agreements such as the Kyoto protocol.
Reduce Australia’s greenhouse emissions and urge other countries to do so too


Climate change is one of the greatest economic, social, and environmental challenges of our time. Expert scientific evidence (IPCC, 2007) confirms that human activity is altering the climate. This Climate change causes:
• Changed rainfall patterns
• Reduced water availability in Central Queensland
• Increasing the frequency of severe weather events such as bushfires and storms

Amongst other impacts, the effects of warming conditions on the Keppel region reefs are of particular concern as predictions are that coral bleaching will become an annual event within the next 30-50 years time. While some corals may be able to acclimatise to climate change (to some extent) by changing their predominant symbiont types, not all corals can do so and there may be a limit to the tolerance that is gained by acclimatisation. Good water quality and low sediment load are critical to the health of coral reefs if they are to have any chance of surviving climate change. The Reef Rescue Plan aims to reduce the runoff of sediment, nutrient and pollutants (such as fertilizers and herbicides) that enter Keppel Bay from the Fitzroy catchment. Land holders are a big part of the solution to declining water quality along the coastline. The Fitzroy Basin Association is working with landholders to improve the long term outcome for the fringing reefs of the Keppel Islands. Reducing greenhouse emissions is the key to halting and reversing anthropogenic climate change impacts. CCC is continually lobbying the State and Federal Governments to reduce Australia’s greenhouse emissions and to urge other countries to do so too through agreements such as the Kyoto protocol. We need to reduce the greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere by 25% by 2020 in order to limit warming conditions to a level which corals can withstand.

* Sea temperatures on the Great Barrier Reef have warmed by about 0.4 degrees over the last century
* Warming waters are not the only risk to coral reefs, as increased CO2 in the atmosphere also increases the acidity of seawaters which can upset the balance between accretion and dissolution.
* The Great Barrier Reef has experienced eight mass coral bleaching events since 1979
* Coral bleaching is projected to occur each year by as soon as 2030
* there is little evidence that corals have the capacity for genetic change to adapt within this timeframe
* Substantial impacts on biodiversity and the fishing and tourism industries are likely to occur with climate change
* Improving reef water quality is an important measure to enhance the ability of coral reefs to adapt to the effects of climate change

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Capricorn Conservation Council

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: State and Federal governments

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2011 to 2021

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: As stated on Climate Tracker website 'The Australian government has ramped up its “gas-fired recovery” over a green economic recovery, refused to increase its 2030 domestic emissions target, and is not on track to meet its current target. The CAT’s new overall rating for Australia is “Highly Insufficient”. The government appears intent on replacing fossil fuels with fossil fuels: the 2021-22 budget allocates large sums (AUD 52.9m) to gas infrastructure projects and a gas-fired power station (AUD 30m), with no new support for renewable energy nor electric vehicles.' Sourced 25/04/2022 from

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Climate change and Central Queensland coral reefs