Berry FutureCare

Berry FutureCare aim to work with an informed community, which cares about the future, so that what we do in our everyday lives helps build an environmentally sustainable Berry, NSW.


In Berry we believe that we can all take action on the issue of climate change. We aim to work with an informed community, which cares about the future, so that what we do in our everyday lives helps build an environmentally sustainable Berry. We will work together to:
– Build on existing community initiatives and networks;
– Set up a “Clearing house” to share information on the environment;
– Continue to engage the people who attended the community forums in November 2006 and March 2007.
– How Berry FutureCare started: In November 2006, in response to increasing concerns within Berry Landcare, Berry Alliance, and community murmurings, The Berry Alliance and Berry Landcare co-sponsored a community forum. Some 40 people attended to discuss a community response to the challenges and opportunities we face concerning the environment and global warming. Ideas were gathered from everyone at the forum and a working group was appointed to develop a strategy to enable us
– to act locally on this global issue
– to be proud of our town as a town of trees
– to be an eco-friendly community.

The working group suggested a name, “Berry FutureCare” and drafted a Strategic Plan. They presented this to another community forum in March 2007, when the name and the strategy were endorsed.
Six Program Areas:
– Biodiversity and Natural Resources
– Sustainable Housing
– Energy Use
– Transport
– Water
– Waste Management

Initiatives planned for 2007:
– Dissemination of information on Climate Change and Climate Change action: This is done through e-mail and by regular articles in the Berry Town Crier, a monthly free newsletter which is delivered to all homes (copies can be accessed on the Berry Alliance Website
– Four Seasons Sustainable Housing Forum: The Four Seasons Sustainable Housing Forum held on May 12 and 13 was a success, both in terms of numbers and outcomes. 30 people signed up for GreenPower and many expressed interest in solar hot water and solar power. Keith Shead of FX Larkin observed how last year most people seemed to know little about the issues of sustainability but this year the level of knowledge and interest is much higher.
– Programme of 13 presentations, which attracted an average of 22 people to each presentation, the most being 45. One message is that buying green power and installing solar hot water can achieve immediate results if you are not ready at the moment to generate your own power with solar photovoltaic panels.
– The sustainable gardening corner, with the Berry Men’s Shed, Seed Savers, local vegetable gardens and organic vegies was a highlight for many.
– Forum on biodiversity in conjunction with Berry Landcare and its 2007 Art Festival, in the Berry School of Arts. There will be short introductions about biodiversity, refreshments, workshop groups to develop work plans for actions that we can take as a Berry community and comments on these from a panel of experts on Biodiversity.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


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Years Active: , , , , , ,

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Federal Electorate:


Website: Berry FutureCare