RePower Alice Springs

RePower Alice Springs demands ambitious renewable energy targets and actions that set us on a path to a 100%renewable energy future for Alice Springs by 2030.
Transition Alice Springs to 100% renewable energy by 2030


REPOWER ALICE SPRINGS. Alice Springs citizens have long shared a vision of Alice as a Solar City. With over 300 sunny days every year, Alice Springs has some of the highest solar potential in the world. Early in 2016 the then NT Government announced to invest $75 million in ten new gas-fired generators at the local Owen Springs power plant with no accompanying investment into renewable energy and no community consultation. This raised significant concerns in the Alice Springs community, and with no ongoing legacy from the success of the Alice Solar City Program (2008-2013) a group of passionate residents came together to form RePower Alice Springs and drive the vision for a 100% renewable energy future for our town.

RePower Alice Springs has had a significant impact in re-invigorating the campaign for a Territory transition to renewable energy in 2016, and has been meeting with the three Territory energy utilities (Territory Generation, Jacana and Power Water Corporation), government ministers, as well as facilitating local community engagement on solar energy. RePower Alice Springs acknowledges and welcomes the commitment by the new NT Government to a 50%renewable energy target by 2030. However due to it’s high solar penetration and unique isolated electrical grid the group believes Alice Springs has the capacity to aim for 100% renewable energy in the same timeframe.

Significant planning and investment into renewable energy must be made immediately for Australia to meet its’ global climate commitments. All over the world communities, councils, states and even countries are committing to a 100% renewable energy future. Alice Springs is one of the sunniest places in the world but has an average of 12% of current energy generation coming from solar – we can do much better. RePower Alice Springs demands ambitious renewable energy targets and actions that set us on a path to a 100%renewable energy future for Alice Springs. It is essential that this transition meets the expectations of the local community by providing reliable, accessible, cost-effective and efficient solar power. RePower Alice Springs is calling on the Northern Territory Government to:
1. Commit to the transition from gas to 100%renewable energy supply for the Alice Springs grid by 2030 (acknowledging the need for gas in the transition and as a backup). Alice Springs has some of the highest solar potential in the world. Being a small isolated grid offers the opportunity to feasibly test and provide innovative solar and storage solution
2. Ensure the installation of the ten gas-fired engines at Owen Springs Power Station is not going to impact on future integration of renewables into the Alice Springs grid. Any currently planned/new fossil fuel infrastructure (gas-fired powered generation) must not be a barrier to future renewable energy integration. Any planned fossil fuel infrastructure must be considered in line with the NT Government 50%renewable energy target and the Roadmap to renewable
3. Ensure the Roadmap to Renewables Expert Taskforce engages the wider community in the development of its report to the NT Government.
• Engage stakeholders, experts, and community representatives in developing the roadmap.
• Recognise that to implement any Roadmap will require an immediate investment in network stability, including battery storage, to enable maximum penetration of solar power.
• Ensure that the Roadmap maximises local job and training opportunities.
• Ensure that solar technology and associated benefits are accessible to those in low-income households, rental properties and public housing.
• Ensure that the three government-owned corporations; Jacana Energy, Territory Generation and Power and Water Corporation, are engaged and working together to support the implementation of the Roadmap to Renewables.
• Ensure the Roadmap includes plans for each individual energy network across the Territory including Alice Springs, Tennant Creek, Katherine, Darwin
• Ensure the Roadmap includes a remote area strategy transitioning communities to renewable energy.
• Ensure the Roadmap has measures to allow market access for commercial and community owned solar initiatives in the Territory.
4. Provide a green energy option for Territory electricity customers. The NT is the only state and Territory that does not have a green energy option for electricity customers. Provide access to renewable energy for electricity customers without the means to install solar panels on their roofs.
Provide opportunities for electricity customers to support the development of a renewable energy market
5. Commit to retaining the 1:1 solar feed-in tariff. The NT has the most equitable feed-in tariff compared to other states and territories. Retaining this will support home and business owners to invest in renewable energy.
6. Develop and promote Alice Springs as a world-class solar centre.
• Immediately invest in new solar initiatives in Alice Springs.
• Utilise existing local knowledge and solar expertise and re-invigorate the ex-Alice Solar City Consortium which consisted of Desert Knowledge Australia, Alice Springs Town Council, Tangentyere Council, Chamber of Commerce and the Arid Lands Environment Centre
• Explore market opportunities for developing energy solutions for remote areas.
• RePower Alice Springs invites local organisations, businesses and community members to share the vision for a renewable energy future for Alice Springs. Email: [email protected] for more information Keep updated via Facebook:

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Arid Lands Environment Centre

Campaign Target Type: ,

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Energy utilities| NT government| community

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Ran From: 2016 to 2023

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: The NT government has committed to a 50% renewable energy target by 2030 (but not a 100% target as per the goal). However, it appears that none of the other goals have been partially met. ALEC states on their website 'Clean Energy Future Alice Springs citizens have long shared a vision of Alice Springs as a Solar City. With over 300 sunny days every year, Alice Springs has some of the highest solar potential in the world. The Arid Lands Environment Centre has had a long history of championing a solar future for Alice Springs, and continues to advocate strongly for a clean energy future for Alice Springs. We are: Building momentum towards the transition to 100% renewable energy Advocating for a solar powered economic plan for the NT Campaigning against new fossil fuel projects In 2001 ALEC first posited Alice Springs as a solar city, and was an integral stakeholder in the bid to make Alice Springs a solar city as part of a Federal Government initiative. Alice Solar City was one of the seven projects funded through the Australian Government’s Solar Cities Program, a $97 million national program which launched in 2008 and ran until June 2013. This project delivered 2711 free home energy surveys (30% of the whole community), installed 277 residential PV systems and 5 systems on high profile public buildings, and provided numerous other energy related benefits to the Alice Springs community. Early in 2016 the then NT Government announced to invest $75 million in ten new gas-fired generators at the local Owen Springs power plant with no accompanying investment into renewable energy and no community consultation. This decision ignited significant community concern, and ALEC has supported the community group RePower Alice Springs to form and take a leading role in advocating for the transition to renewable energy. RePower Alice Springs invites local organisations, businesses and community members to share the vision for a renewable energy future for Alice Springs. Find out more information on the work of RePower Alice Springs here ALEC acknowledges the NT Government's commitment to a 50% renewable energy target by 2030. However due to Central Australia's high solar penetration and unique isolated electrical grid ALEC believes Alice Springs has the capacity to aim for much higher. Significant planning and investment into renewable energy must be made immediately for Australia to meet its’ global climate commitments. All over the world communities, councils, states and even countries are committing to a 100% renewable energy future. Alice Springs is one of the sunniest places in the world but has an average of 12% of current energy generation coming from solar - we can do much better. ALEC is pushing for the NT Government to develop a comprehensive climate policy that includes a decarbonisation plan for the NT. In the meantime ALEC is working with the community to reduce emissions, adapt to climate change and towards a clean energy future.' (sourced from 28/12/2021)

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


RePower Alice Springs