Zero Emissions Noosa

Zero Emissions Noosa Inc. (ZEN) is an incorporated, not-for-profit community group of passionate volunteers with the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions for the Noosa Shire by 2026. Based in QLD.


Assisting the Noosa Shire community to become net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2026. Noosa is well known for sustainable living. We pride our way of life on finding a balance between the natural environment that supports and sustains us and economic growth. Achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions is an important part of our future. Many of our Noosa residents and businesses are already seeing the benefits of lower emissions living. Reducing and switching our energy use to renewable energy is not only good for the environment, it offers huge cost savings for everyone. Zero Emissions Noosa currently has three main areas of foci, residential, business and transport emissions.

Zero Emissions Noosa Inc. (ZEN) is an incorporated, not-for-profit community group of passionate volunteers with the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions for the Noosa Shire by 2026. We support our community by assisting them to ask the right questions when seeking energy solutions for their home or business. We work in close partnership with Noosa Council and Tourism Noosa.


New members and volunteers are always welcome. 2020 will see a range of new and exciting initiatives delivered to support our community. We cannot achieve this without your support. Value Proposition for Zero Emissions Noosa Inc. (ZEN Inc.) We Need YOU!
Are you passionate about the need for action to address climate change?
Do you believe that communities have a major role to play?
Do you believe that many solutions are already available?
Do you believe that environmentally innovative communities will also be economically innovative communities?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then join us at ZEN Inc. today!

Who is ZEN Inc.?
ZEN is a group of individuals in the Noosa Shire, who are committed to taking local action on climate change, principally through reducing our reliance upon electricity generated from fossil fuels. We believe the answer is sitting right above us, that is, using energy directly from the sun! ZEN was incorporated in 2017 and has been working directly with Noosa Council and others to achieve net zero emissions in Noosa by 2026.

WHat is ZEN’s goal?
Zero net community carbon emissions in the Noosa Shire by 2026.

Why have this goal?
As Noosa’s primary emissions sources are electricity consumption (69%), and fossil-fuel powered vehicles (30%), Noosa is joining communities around the globe which are committing to meaningful action on climate change. This goal, in line with Noosa Council’s commitment to zero emissions from Council and Noosa’s environmental commitment, assists a key issue facing our planet – keeping global warming under two degrees. We see our role as ‘kick-starting’ that process in our own community, and empowering our residents, businesses and community organisations, to come on the journey to zero net community carbon emissions by 2026, with us.

How will ZEN reach its goal?
By inspiring the Noosa community, to repower Noosa by investing in renewable energy, energy efficiency, zero emission transport and innovative local commercial activity. The ZEN Roadmap is a plan identifying where best to target our energies, using energy efficiency and solar power to reduce emissions. The roadmap was funded by Noosa Biosphere Reserve Foundation in 2018, to help promote community action on lowering our carbon footprint. ZEN seeks grants from various sources to help fund its work, and has been successful in past years in securing funds to develop its program of projects. But we need more!

Why become a member of ZEN?
Being a ZEN member provides you with the following benefits:
Access to the latest information on better energy management
Updates on new technology, including battery storage.
Invitations to various community meetings and workshops where your feedback is included as part of our ongoing programs.
A list of the right questions to ask solar installers to help you to get the system that meets your needs

ZEN members will be part of a group that:
Is committed to a global climate action leadership role for Noosa
Is leading our community in emissions reduction along with a group of passionate communities around Australia
Is supported by residents, business and community organisations in its zero emissions journey
Works with the Noosa Shire Council to help reduce Noosa’s community carbon emissions to zero by 2026.

Want to be involved and help make it happen?
ZEN Inc. needs you to help reach the target of zero community emissions in Noosa by 2026. Become a member today. $20 is all it takes. Join by paying on line at or by filling out the membership form found on this link and sending it to [email protected].

ZEN Inc. – What we do
ZEN assists individual businesses, community members and community groups with information updates about renewable energy, especially solar, to help reduce your power bills with:
General tips about solar
Finance Information
Landlord/renters kits
Finance, including community
Government incentives & subsidies.

ZEN’s major initiatives include:
ZEN Electricity Group (ZENe)
The ZENe working group is exploring:
ways to encourage greater solar take up for businesses and tourism accommodation
encouragement and support for community organisations with buildings to install solar
potential to increase embedded networks in strata properties to minimise daily charges and free up funds for solar installation
a community owned solar farm
a Noosa community-owned electricity retailer company.

Follow the Electricity working groups activities on this website, and also on our Zero Emissions Noosa Facebook page.

ZEN Transport Action Group (ZENTAG)
The ZENTAG is exploring reducing vehicle greenhouse gas emissions by
Offering cycle skills workshops
Promoting low emission alternatives such as electric vehicles and electric bikes through a range of activities such as guided e-bike rides and the annual Noosa Eco Transport Expo
Advocacy to all levels of government for strategies to promote low emission transport.
Follow the Transport Group’s main activity on the Noosa EV Expo website and on the Noosa EV Expo Facebook page.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Zero Emission Network


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:





Federal Electorate:


Website: Zero Emissions Noosa

Facebook: Zero Emissions Noosa

Youtube: Zero Emissions Noosa

Instagram: Zero Emissions Noosa