Valley Centre for Environmental Research and Education

Founded in 1992, TVC has an extensive history of working in the sustainable community sector. Supporting the rebuilding of sustainable resilient communities. Based in NSW.


We believe that every community has the right to drive it’s future, are stewards of the natural world around them and know best how to solve the issues they are facing. We work directly with communities to achieve their sustainability, wellbeing, resilience, revenue stream building strategies. Our team is on-the-ground, mobile and experienced in business plans, strategy, visioning, finance, communications, project management and masterplan design. We’d love to hear from you.

Snapshot of our projects
Supporting communities suffering Energy Poverty
We are pulling together a team of experts in the areas of community energy, finance and renewable technology to develop the Indigenous Solar Rolling Fund, which will offer households 0% loans for renewable technology, alleviating immense energy poverty and stress in remote Aboriginal communities.

Solar-powered greenhouses
Large scale food production built in glass-houses powered by solar, combining new technology in the horticulture, glasshouse, solar and water recycling sector. Using a fraction of the water needed in conventional farming solar powered greenhouses provide employment in the construction phase, the administration of the business and ongoing operations such as maintenance and distribution of food, including skilled and non-skilled labour.

Sustainable Community Building with Rural, Remote and First Nations communities
Our foundation is strong relationships, community driven process and transparent communication, so that we bring the best of both worlds to the partnership; i.e. local knowledge and cultural context, with networks and specific expertise. A key part of this is bringing education and awareness to the city communities, of the struggles communities face and the vision of resilience.

Ecowonderland Training & Research Centre building
The Valley Centre’s 170acre property on the Hawkesbury River has long been earmarked as a technology showcase and training/research centre. TVC has run programs with young people, training days, retreats and workshops on the property, building the vibrancy and excitement for such a project.

Ancient wisdom new technology documentary
Showcasing how communities across the globe are tackling some of the times biggest challenges, creating jobs and sustainable projects in the process. Demonstrating the power of the ancient wisdom of generations and how, combined with new tech, will give us a way forward for the whole planet.

Communities on Country. Creating jobs. Locally driven solutions.
Every community knows best how to solve the issues they face, whilst creating powerful long term solutions that provide opportunities that are locally driven and for the community.

Founded in 1992, TVC has an extensive history of working in the sustainable community sector. Let’s build a greener, safer, more empowered planet, together.
We work with communities to develop sustainable empowering projects & we are building an EcoWonderland just outside Sydney as a place to vision the future! The Valley Centre;s mission is to build sustainable communities to secure our future against climate change and build real resilience in our communities for a thriving and earth centred planet. We’re currently working with Aboriginal communities across Australia building solar projects, rebuilding housing, food production and healing programs all contributing to the self sufficiency and self determination of our First People’s here in Australia.

We’re also building a EcoWonderland on our 170acre nature sanctuary just outside Sydney as a tech showcase and site for festivals and trainings, particularly focused on our young people. We’re a small but dynamic organisation committed to doing everything we can for our environment, for humanity and for our future which we believe should be sustainable, creative, cultural and diverse! We believe that all communities have the right to be empowered and self-governing which is why we support communities to build their own sustainability, resilience & empowerment projects, securing a their future. We do this through the development of strong relationships, vision and working out a strategy that supports communities to rebuild, improve wellbeing and be self sufficient.

Each community has different needs and different priorities, we work with them to achieve these goals. Our technology partners support this process, access to networks brings in investment and philanthropy where needed and we build the profile of the projects, demonstrating what’s possible when communities are empowered and self reliant. We are working to create an ecologically sustainable community showcase, which involves the integration of the key elements of education, nature, connection, wellbeing, youth, community and sustainable technologies. This creative, dynamic and ever evolving process, shows how we can live in an integrated, inspirational way, supporting and regenerating the systems upon which we depend. Since 1992 The Valley Centre has researched this exciting process of comprehensive sustainable community building, developing programs and projects that contribute to powerful systems of social and ecological change.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Valley Centre for Environmental Research and Education

Facebook: Valley Centre for Environmental Research and Education

Youtube: Valley Centre for Environmental Research and Education

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Instagram: Valley Centre for Environmental Research and Education