The Climate Change Action Group

Welcome to Global Climate Change Action Group. Most importantly *** WAYS FORWARDS *** …our future energy needs… * earth * wind * fire * water


The fate of the earth is in our hands …
Send a letter!
Sign a petition!
Ways Forward
Collect signatures
Sign a petition!

Welcome to Global Climate Change Action Group. Most importantly *** WAYS FORWARDS *** …our future energy needs… * earth * wind * fire * water

What is war good for? Is the money spent on war of any benefit to humanity? The devastation war leaves is of no benefit to humanity. Why should innocent little children suffer in such states of misery and confusion…
Petitions: Global Petition for the implementation of sustainable energy production and living systems

Letter 2 from ET
TO: The Honourable Elected Representatives of the Australian People
Regarding the issue of how our taxes are being spent in regard to polluting, climate change inducing, energy production. We the people of Australia, demand that our tax dollars be used to deliver sustainable energy supplies and systems that will be of benefit to all of the people of Australia for sometime into the future, and in fact, the entire planet. Due to the effects of Climate Change via CO2 being released into our atmosphere and overwhelming information from the Scientific Community to support this; we understand that our taxes would have a greater effect of reducing our CO2 emissions if they were invested into “cleaner”, sustainable energy and sustainable living systems.

Write your own letter
Write you own letter of demand(s) about how you think your taxes should be spent to mitigate Climate Change! Use the templates shown in the ‘Send a letter1’ menu (2) (3) and (4) to give you ideas! (back) Below is a blank page… it’s ready… are you?

Youth petition
To the Honourable Elected Representatives of Australia’s young people
We, the youth of Australia, demand that our children and our grandchildren have as many opportunities as we have had to witness the beauty of this earth and it’s creations for themselves.
We demand that Energy sources (such as coal and nuclear) contributing to climate change be stopped.
We demand that the government give our money which we earn, (our taxes) not to these harmful energy corporations, but towards sustainable energy production instead.

Global Climate Change Action Donation Page
Donate to the Campaign to Halt the expansion of the Nuclear Industry in Australia. Our intention is to raise enough funds to send our Climate Change Action Spokesperson to the Northern Territory. During the journey the Spokesperson will be available at a (*location near you link). Where member of the public and donors will also be given the opportunity to speak to face to face, view never before released in Australia movies and documentaries from Mr Rakesh Sharmer, Awarded Indian and International Director, (and others?). Our Spokesperson will be collecting signatures on our Global Petition for Alternative Energy Supplies along the way, hoping to raise political and public awareness on Climate Change issues, and, though your support force our globally elected leaders to take this issue SERIOUSLY.

This web site it not affiliated to any political party and is owned and operated by volunteer concerned citizens. This web site was not constructed for the profit of any individual. Web site design by Clemens Vermeulen and hosted by ANN Web Design and Hosting.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


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Years Active: , , , , , ,

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Website: The Climate Change Action Group