Surfrider Foundation Margaret River

The Margaret River (WA) branch of the Surfrider Foundation.


The Margaret River branch was originally formed over a decade ago but has been running in its current form since 2008. This branch has been involved in two big wins over the last few years. We stongly supported the “No oil for SW beaches” campaign in which we lobbied against the granting of oil leases off of the Margaret River coast. The group is focused on several issues including:
1. Campaigning for our local Marine Parks
2. Campaigning for a WA Cash for Containers Deposit Scheme
3. Implementing dune restoration programs
4. Beach clean up and marine debris/ plastic awareness

Drew is the president of the Margaret River branch. Contact via 0411 515 291 and [email protected] Facebook | Instagram

Surfrider Foundation is all about protecting waves & beaches.
Our Margs branch members are passionate about connecting ocean lovers & inspiring change.
Over the last few years we’ve been involved in some big wins…
1) We successfully lobbied against the granting of oil leases off the Margaret River coast alongside the “No Oil for SW Beaches” campaign.
2) We successfully advocated for the introduction of the local Capes-Ngari Marine Park covering the State-managed waters in the Cape to Cape region.
Our group is currently focussed on several issues including:
• campaigning for our local Marine Parks
• dune restoration at our adopted beach at Ellensbrook
• beach cleans & data collecting for marine debris group Tangaroa Blue
• promoting ‘Rise Above Plastics’ messages in the local community through Plastic Free July, Responsible Cafes and other initatives
• NEW citizen science Marine Park wildlife program to connect us with what’s going on beneath the waves
GET INVOLVED! New faces are always welcome, just watch out for our upcoming activities…
For more, please email us at [email protected]

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Surfrider Foundation


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:





Federal Electorate:


Website: Surfrider Foundation Margaret River

Facebook: Surfrider Foundation Margaret River