Sunshine Coast Climate Action Now

Sunshine Coast Climate Action Now (SCCAN) is an unincorporated organisation committed to local action and events to address the urgent social and political change needed to tackle the impacts of climate change. Based in QLD.


Sunshine Coast Climate Action Now (SCCAN) is an unincorporated organisation committed to local action and events to address the urgent social and political change needed to tackle the impacts of climate change.

NOW is the time!
Denis White is a long-term Sunshine Coast resident and Sunshine Coast Climate Action Now (SCCAN) founder. “When I realised climate change will deny my grandchildren a safe future, I was compelled to do what I can NOW, to make a difference. ​”I am driven by my outrage that powerful corporate forces are willing to sacrifice my grandchildren’s future security for the sake of profit, through a campaign of denial, deliberate misinformation and destructive political lobbying. ​”By working with the local community and joining the global climate change movement, I know we can cause the radical social and political change needed to create a sustainable, clean-energy future. And NOW is the time to act.”

The case for optimism…
Why is Al Gore optimistic about climate change? In this spirited talk, Gore asks three powerful questions about the man-made forces threatening to destroy our planet — and the solutions we’re designing to combat them. (Featuring Q&A with TED Curator Chris Anderson – Feb 2016)

Paris Climate Agreement…
What would you do if your job was to save the planet? When Christiana Figueres was tapped by the UN to lead the Paris climate conference (COP 21) in December 2015, she reacted the way many people would: she thought it would be impossible to bring the leaders of 195 countries into agreement on how to slow climate change. Find out how she turned her skepticism into optimism — and helped the world achieve the most important climate agreement in history.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


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Years Active: , , , ,

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Website: Sunshine Coast Climate Action Now