Southern Downs Protection Group

The Southern Darling Downs in Queensland is a beautiful and highly-productive agricultural area, with the fertile cracking clay soils across much of the region considered some of the best in the World. Southern Downs Protection Group support the communities near us in their endeavours to fight off mining.


The Southern Darling Downs in Queensland is a beautiful and highly-productive agricultural area, with the fertile cracking clay soils across much of the region considered some of the best in the World.

The Southern Downs region has mining exploration permits for coal, but currently no coal seam gas permits. For which we are very glad, and we hope it stays that way. Other regions are already impacted by these unsustainable industries, and we are concerned of the possible impacts to our quality agricultural and grazing lands, water resources, biodiversity and community. As these impacts have the potential to affect us all, we feel the need to raise awareness and offer our support to those landholders whose properties are threatened by these leases. We support the communities near us in their endeavours to fight off mining. And we will continue to inform local residents of the dangers that could impact on us if our luck runs out in the Southern Downs region.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Federal Electorate:


Website: Southern Downs Protection Group

Facebook: Southern Downs Protection Group