Conservation, environment and concerned citizens groups on the South Coast formed the South East Region Conservation Alliance Inc.(SERCA) in September 2005. SERCA was incorporated on 2nd June 2008 (INC9889501). At its meeting on 23 October 2010 the South East Region Conservation Alliance resolved unanimously to support an exit from native forest logging on public lands and the Tasmanian Statement of Principles as a basis for reform of native forestry in NSW. At the same meeting, the South East Region Conservation Alliance resolved unanimously to oppose the use of native forest biomass for electricity generation or any other industrial uses.
SERCA proposes
Public native forests managed for carbon sequestration, and water and biodiversity values
Private native forest owners given incentives to conserve forest areas
Existing plantation supplies used for virtually all australias domestic and export uses. No new plantations are needed
No native forest products for woodchips, electricity generation or biofuel Government policy distortions removed
Genuinely clean, green industries developed in the regions, with new industries, new jobs and job training.
77% of people polled in 2009 want no logging at all in native forests and the Eden chip mill closed. Why do state and federal governments continue to support it when Forestry NSW and Victoria admit to losing millions of dollars supplying pulplogs to the woodchip mills? Australia recognises the importance of foreign forests for climate so why do we continue to subsidise the destruction and degradation of Australian native forests in Tasmania, Victoria and NSW??
Now there are plans to burn native forest wood for electricity under the Renewable Energy Mandate. This power will undercut and displace true renewable power from wind, solar, tidal and geothermal sources. Over the decades conservationists have fought tirelessly to save the beautiful native forests of our region. These activities have included: negotiating with politicians; writing submissions; briefing news media; organising targeted campaigns; recording forestry’s logging breaches; running forest tours and town hall meetings; blockading logging trucks; and, even sitting by the road counting the logging trucks which enter the Eden Chipmill. Some have collaborated on making videos which show the plight of this region’s natural beauty, and organising photographic exhibitions.
The member group of SERCA “Great Southern Forest” is a targeted campaign. Because Australia has more than enough existing plantation hard and soft woods to supply virtually all our timber and fibre needs we should end the intensive logging of native forests while supporting the transition to existing plantations leaving native forests to mature and store carbon. Our community is represented by people from south east NSW who care about the environment and campaign for its protection. The experience and areas of specialised expertise of the committee and other SERCA members, encompass fields such as:
On the ground: knowledge of the logging industry’s activities and subsequent environmental damage, hydrology, soil, endangered and vulnerable species, and pests and diseases.
Activism: understanding of legal issues, political ramifications, collection and submission of breach data, campaigning, and blockading.
Consideration of Traditional Owners’ perspectives, understanding of the nature of land tenure
Skills: assessing financial implications, writing submissions and understanding of forest monitoring technologies, setting up motion sensor cameras and wildlife photography
Community outreach: awareness raising, online promotional skills, forming and strengthening alliances with like-minded organisations, and local government bodies.