North Queensland Conservation Council

North Queensland Conservation Council (NQCC) is a peak organisation in the statewide environmental movement and the voice for the environment in North Queensland.


North Queensland Conservation Council (NQCC) is a peak organisation in the Statewide environmental movement and the voice for the environment in North Queensland. It represents the area roughly bounded by Bowen in the south, Cardwell in the north, the Coral Sea in the east and the Northern Territory border in the west, advocating on regional issues, in accordance with our Rules of Association. NQCC is an umbrella group, aiming to support small, often single-issue and hands-on, local organisations in statewide forums. It works closely with other peak bodies, especially Cairns and Far North Environment Centre (CAFNEC) to the north and Mackay Conservation Group (MCG) to the south.

History: NQCC was established in 1974 as a not-for-profit incorporated association with a broad mandate to endeavour to protect the “land, waters and atmosphere of the region” and since then has worked continuously on a number of environmental issues of significance to North Queensland and beyond.
Our Vision: A thriving natural environment and a society that actively supports – and is supported by – solutions to the climate crisis. We want to see a caring and well informed society living sustainably in a healthy and well protected environment, where ecological sustainability is everybody’s responsibility.
Our Mission: To promote and protect the natural environment of North Queensland. We are a strong voice for the environment, influencing, educating and inspiring our North Queensland community to achieve an ecologically sustainable society.

Our Values
• A healthy natural environment is the foundation of a healthy society. We believe that societal transformation is required for North Queensland communities to operate within the biophysical limits of the natural environment and that a healthy, thriving North Queensland community is inextricably dependent on a healthy environment.
• Passionate people are the hope for the future. We believe people power brings about change for current and future generations.
• Real change is achieved by empowering local communities. We are committed to supporting North Queensland citizens, our members, staff, volunteers and supporters to be strong advocates for the environment.
• Partnerships and collaboration are vital. We recognise that significant and systemic changes will be achieved by working with others in our local community, the North Queensland region, Queensland and the world.
• We are independent and ethical. We represent the natural environment free from the influence of corporations, political parties and governments and we ensure our activities align with our mission and values.

In line with its Rules of Association, NQCC promotes ‘the conservation cause’ by undertaking targeted media and action campaigns, advocating on behalf of the environment in relation to specific development proposals and legislation, and, importantly, working to raise public awareness.
Through a range of activities, NQCC:
represents the region within the statewide conservation movement;
promotes and protects the values of the natural environment of North Queensland;
furthers the protection and rehabilitation of the environment through advocacy and education;
ensures that resource use and development in the region occurs in an ecologically sustainable manner and respects species, habitats and the integrity of ecosystems;
collaborates with and, where possible, assists organisations and individuals working toward environmental conservation within the region; and
works with governments to ensure that legislation, regulations and policies are designed and implemented to protect the values of the natural environment of North Queensland.
In line with our strategic directions, we engage in specific issues and participate in a range of activities according to environmental pressures and opportunities. For more information see our Rules of Association or download our latest Annual Report (2019/20).