Murrindindi Climate Network Inc. is a not for profit apolitical organization, uniting a wide variety of different organizations and individuals (for profit and not for profit). The Murrindindi Climate Network includes and welcomes organisations across all sectors of the community, as well as individual citizens, to an umbrella network with the aim of regaining the natural balance in our environment, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to combat the adverse effects of climate change, to consider programs and actions that facilitate adaptation and to enhance resilience to climate change at a local level in the Shire of Murrindindi (a regional area about 100km to the north-east of Melbourne, Australia). The Murrindindi Climate Network engages in activities that strengthen understanding, co-operation and communication between its members, with planning and decision making bodies, with local community groups, businesses and residents and the broader public.
The Murrindindi Climate Network:
❖ networks, gathers and disseminates information to enhance public understanding, appreciation of, and involvement in, activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to manage local impacts of climate change;
❖ conducts MCN activities in the Murrindindi Shire as a whole, and in parts of the Shire to strengthen community spirit and stewardship of natural resources in a climate friendly way;
❖ promotes responsible life style choices, business practices and technologies on a Shire level to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to mitigate the local impacts of climate change;
❖ co-operates and networks with organizations, institutions and citizens of neighboring Shires and in the Goulburn Broken Catchment Area to promote climate friendly life style choices, business practices and technologies on a regional level.
❖ provides the opportunity for local organizations and individuals to have a voice and work towards a united, consistent approach to Council and to State and Federal Governments on important Climate Change issues.