Mt Alexander Sustainability Group

MASG is the peak sustainability organisation for the Mount Alexander Shire, delivering education, research, advocacy, and endorsement for shire wide sustainability and clean energy initiatives.


MASG is the peak sustainability organisation for the Mount Alexander Shire, delivering education, research, advocacy, and endorsement for shire wide sustainability and clean energy initiatives. The Mount Alexander Sustainability Group was established in 2006, by a passionate group of locals who wanted to see coordinated action on climate change and support the Mount Alexander Shire Community to work towards a sustainable future. MASG has over 200 voting members: local people taking action to combat climate change. We employ four staff, supported by volunteers at the MASG office in Castlemaine, central Victoria.

The MASG Vision
Zero Net Emissions by 2025: A local target we can achieve.

As an organisation MASG is committed:
To significantly reduce the region’s contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.
To target zero net emissions by 2025 in the Mt Alexander Shire.
To encourage, support and partner with other organisations and business to help the shire reach this target
To protect, and where necessary, enhance the built environment.
To help build and nurture a community in which relationships, social justice and creativity are highly valued.
To Seed, Support and Deliver projects which have aligned goals and are strongly supported by the local community.
To have projects which optimise the use of local resources.
To have financial, social and sustainability benefits realised in the local community and its economy.

MASG 2015 Strategy to Achieve this Vision
MASG has defined its primary focus as renewable energy as this seems the best of way reducing emissions quickly, enabling the shire to achieve its target.
MASG, through its Community Renewables, is targeting large projects where significant emission reductions can be achieved.
MASG can make use of its legal entity structure, to initiate and finance projects to achieve this.
MASG may create and sit on the board of commercial entities thus created, where these have the primary aim of greenhouse gas emission reduction.
MASG will not want to compete with local businesses who are working to meet similar goals, but rather will support them.
MASG will support other not for profit organisations who are working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through any means, including waste reduction, energy efficiency and renewable energy generation.
MASG will encourage projects in Energy Efficiency and Waste Reduction, and where funding can be found, will provide the management of programs to execute these.
MASG funding will be achieved through membership, local donations, local events, fee earning programs, sponsorships, e News advertising, philanthropic funding and government funding of projects.
MASG will only auspice other organisations programs where: MASG is an active partner in the project, The project fits within the MASG Vision, The project aims are seen as taking positive action by the community, The project covers the administrative costs incurred.

Engaging with the Members and Community. MASG recognizes that it cannot live in a bubble and must both lead and be lead by and its members and the community. The assist this we:
We plan quarterly Members Forums to engage with members and supporters.
We run fund raising events which serve to engage with supporters, This includes the Rhythms for Renewables, a continuing schedule of which is being developed.
We run Sustainability Drinks to provide information and get feedback from supporters.
Our e-News has more than 1000 people subscribed and is an important communication tool within the community.
Our Website acts as a source of information for members and community alike and also serves to provide a link to what is happening in the community.
We have an MOU with the Mt Alexander Shire Council which runs until 2017. This gives us access to council officers and a seat at the table to discuss and influence decisions being made by the council with regard to the environment. It also ensures we get access to council facilities for meetings and functions.
Our Membership base is currently 300 members and enthusiastic supporters and volunteers. We would like to see this number grow to as many as 500 in the coming year.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:


The Big Give Campaign





Federal Electorate:


Website: Mt Alexander Sustainability Group

Facebook: Mt Alexander Sustainability Group