Moreland Australian Energy Foundation

The Australian Energy Foundation is leading the way to an equitable zero carbon society. We accelerate the energy transition by empowering communities to take action.


The Australian Energy Foundation is leading the way to an equitable zero carbon society. We accelerate the energy transition by empowering communities to take action. Through our energy expertise, tenacity, and partnerships, we:
Demonstrate the pathways to a zero carbon society.
Influence and inspire to build understanding, investment and action.
Deliver solutions that have a positive impact.

We are practical visionaries; a national for-purpose organisation whose work benefits all Australians. In 2000 we started as a grass roots organisation. Now we have grown to be a national organisation that works in partnership with all levels of government, the energy industry, academia and social good organisations to have a positive impact across Australia. Our vision is that all Australians have access to the affordable and clean energy they need to be healthy, have meaningful work, maintain financial stability, connect with their community, prosper through continuous learning, and live in a thriving natural environment. It is a society where everyone uses energy from 100% renewable sources. But currently more than 240,000 Australians are experiencing energy poverty, including over 200,000 children. Large, low income families in public and social housing in our big cities are the most exposed. Indigenous communities are also amongst the hardest hit.1

In order to achieve our vision, we work in partnership with all levels of society, from government, to business, to academia and community based organisations. In recent years we have worked with Federal organisations, agencies and government departments, such as Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS), ARENA, and the Department of Energy and Water Supply. In Victoria, we deliver projects with several State Government departments and agencies and we are building relationships with State Governments in NSW.

What we do
The Australian Energy Foundation accelerates the energy transition by empowering communities to take action. We test ideas, gather evidence and bring partners together to find effective solutions that can be scaled nationally. We help communities to access affordable and renewable energy. And we ensure that these communities play a meaningful part in this transition.

What does that look like?
The Australian Energy Foundation demonstrates the pathways to a zero carbon society by incubating innovative ideas, testing new solutions and sharing our learnings so that all society benefits. For example, our solar power for apartments and renters pilot project, and the Ovida Community Energy Hub Microgrid. The Australian Energy Foundation influences and advises through thought leadership to provoke discussion, increase awareness and understanding, and inspire investment and action towards an equitable zero carbon society. We share our evidence and expertise, and we bring people together to find the best solutions. For example, our Spark! Conference. The Australian Energy Foundation delivers solutions that benefit society and show how effective action is achievable. In partnership with government, we co-design and deliver community-wide Zero Carbon Strategies and Action Plans. We lead and implement large scale programs, like Energy Smart. We educate, inform and inspire community action by working directly with communities, and through industry and government, such as Positive Charge. Our expertise means that government, community and the energy industry trust us to broker the right partnerships that work towards the best outcomes.

The Australian Energy Foundation is the leading for-purpose national energy foundation that collaborates to create a zero carbon society and a better life for all Australians.
1. [KPMG (2017) The rise of energy poverty in Australia: Census Insights Series.
Our team at the Australian Energy Foundation are guided by our values:
• Inclusive: We walk alongside you, making sure that no one is left behind in the pursuit of an equitable zero carbon society. We are connected to a clear purpose, we are part of a diverse community, and we respect this world that sustains life. Our relationships are collaborative as we work together to find solutions. We care about you and we care about our shared future.
• Inspiring: We are practical visionaries. We are purpose driven and we act with integrity. That means that while we embrace big ideas, leading edge technology and long-term thinking, we also create real and effective impact that benefits society and the planet. Our passion and capability encourage others to follow in our example.
• Bright: We are smart, serious and fun. Our optimism is driven by our ability to be hopeful and practical. That also means that we are respected because we are tenacious and get things done. This gives us a vibrant and positive reputation that is nationally recognised and locally known.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Moreland Australian Energy Foundation