Millennium Kids

Millennium Kids Inc encourages young people, regardless of race, religion or social capital to explore, identify and address environmental and sustainability issues in the local, regional and global communities.


We exist for kids to tackle the big issues. Since 1996, Millennium Kids has enabled thousands of young people to have their say about the environment, leading to hundreds of inspiring youth-led initiatives that have contributed significantly to the environment and communities in WA and beyond. As part of Millennium Kids commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals we have been working with hundreds of young people in local communities to develop One Thousand Actions for the Planet, a youth driven sustainability initiative.

Millennium Kids Inc encourages young people, regardless of race, religion or social capital to explore, identify and address environmental and sustainability issues in the local, regional and global communities. Millennium Kids empowers young people to take action on the issues they care about exploring ways to solve problems through:
Education for behaviour change
Innovation and design
Community action
Rules and Regulations!

We explore the different roles and responsibilities of change makers.
The Advocate
The Change Agent
The Reformer
The Citizen

At Millennium Kids, we work with young people to transform their ideas into practical action projects that can be implemented in their own communities. We work with community groups, individual kids or schools. Millennium Kids has developed a range of tools and training programs using a ‘Skills for Life” process with students engaged in identifying sustainability opportunities and challenges through an inquiry approach, mapping them in Project Based Learning framework. Check out the the Foundation for Young Australians Future Skills Framework 2030 for some background reading to why we do what we do. Millennium Kids programs are co designed with young people and can be used by schools to address all three cross curriculum priorities as well as general capabilities and specific learning areas. Millennium Kids and the Department of Education, through the Sustainable Schools Initiative WA, work closely to provide ongoing support to schools to implement the Australian Curriculum, specifically the cross curriculum priority of sustainability. A full list of Alliance members, with links to their respective resources, can be found on the Sustainable Schools website.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Millennium Kids

Facebook: Millennium Kids

X: Millennium Kids

Instagram: Millennium Kids