Lithgow Environment Group

The Lithgow Environment Group seeks to preserve the balance of nature in our region.


The Lithgow Environment Group seeks to preserve the balance of nature in our region. This is especially important given the impacts of the area’s industrial heritage. The Lithgow region contains some of the most biodiverse bushland in the Greater Blue Mountains. We would like to promote this rich natural heritage, especially given that it has often been under recognised.

LEG meets bi-monthly on the third Thursday at 6pm at the Hoskin’s Uniting Church (cnr Mort & Bridge St), CONTACT via LEG email, FB or P.O. Box 3081 for more details. Our Group has a commitment to further the environmental knowledge of the local community by inviting guest speakers and groups to give presentations, as well as showing films. LEG members also attend meetings of Lithgow Council’s Environment Advisory Committee, Energy Australia Reference Group.

Written documentation of environmental issues
We also contribute to community knowledge by writing letters to the Editor and endeavouring to publish articles about environmental issues in the region, particularly when these issues effect people’s health and well being. The group has written many submissions relating to DAs, coal mine expansions, Subsidence Management Plans, GOS2 Proposal, Catchment health, Flora and fauna conservation, weed control and planning issues. Many letters have been written to politicians and Government Departments lobbying for better environmental outcomes for the Lithgow area and its people.

Hands-on Work
Stream watch has been one of our major projects since 2007 with one of our group spending long hours monitoring our local streams and reporting the findings to the Sydney Catchment Authority. We are always active participants of Clean up Australia Day both as a group and as individuals. We take part in the community action days of ‘The Lithgow Heritage Gang’ maintaining tourist attractions of Lithgow. We also help with Landcare projects such as Lake Pillans workdays, Platypus watch and Save our Swamps workdays on the Newnes Plateau. As part of the Gardens of Stone Stage 2 campaign we are actively monitoring environmental damage happening on the Newnes Plateau and lobbying Forests NSW for better management practices.

Lithgow Environmental Group (LEG) was formed in 2005, and has been a member group with NCC since 2011. I had the pleasure of speaking with Julie Favell, Project Officer of LEG which now has 60 members. Incredibly, Julie also holds positions on the following committees: Gardens of Stone Alliance, Energy Australia Community Consultant Committee, NCC Climate & Energy Working Group, Western Sydney University Advisory Group at The Transformation Hub, Lithgow City Council’s Environmental Advisory Committee, and is the Chair of the Lithgow and Community District Native Nursery.

What are some key collaborative actions you’ve taken with the NCC network?
We co-hosted the NCC Regional Conference in Lithgow in 2017, which focused on renewable energy and damage to Newnes Plateau Shrub Swamps/Temperate Highland Peat Swamps Sandstones. Renewables in Lithgow were pretty much unheard of at the time – so this felt like quite a momentous shift. At the time, we were initiating conversations with councillors to get the ball rolling. Local government was lacking support and funding for us to transition to renewables, which was necessary for workers and diversification. We started to take things into our own hands. For example, I did a fundraiser to get solar panels installed on a local Parish centre, which Energy Australia contributed financially to.

What are some other key projects LEG is focusing on currently that you’d like to share?
We’re currently running educational nature walks in the areas that have been or will be affected by mining proposals. The principal aim is to create awareness of and connection to local nature, and then educate the groups on the current issues and risks. We often have amazing guest speakers such as ecologists. We’re also currently focusing on the management of invasive species the Indian Myna bird in the area. Christine who is the Community Engagement Officer at LEG, recently received a grant to set up a management program for the area.

Another project we’re campaigning against is the Waste 2 Energy, particularly in Lithgow. On the map on the EPA website, Lithgow has been removed however it is still present at Mt Piper Power Station and the surrounds until the government takes further advances. Incineration is not a renewable project: it merely transfers landfill to another location, and there is an increase in emissions from transportation, and toxic residual ash from burning waste. The designated site borders on two sides with the Gardens of Stone SCA, which we are concerned will reduce interest in visiting the beautiful area.

You’ve done so much incredible work for the movement and the area. Are there any challenges LEG is facing currently in reaching your goals?
Well we’ve campaigning for many years now, we’d like to retire soon! LEG has a wealth of knowledge and experience that we’d like to pass on to younger generations to continue and see the transition through. However, it’s challenging to find younger volunteers.

What are you most excited about?
Definitely the transition to renewables. It’s very unfortunate, but climate change has been the big opening door for us to get if off the ground in Lithgow. It’s a reality around the world that is universally relatable and undeniable (although some still deny it!). We’re on track to receive a 500 Megawatt battery and pumped hydro on site, funded by Energy Australia, and there have been two other batteries proposed. We’ve come a long way! If you’d like to connect with Julie to learn more about any of the above, or are interested in a nature walk, you can email her at [email protected]

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:


Gardens of Stone Stage 2





Federal Electorate:


Website: Lithgow Environment Group

Facebook: Lithgow Environment Group