Keppel and Fitzroy Delta Alliance

The Keppel and Fitzroy Delta Alliance works to Protect Keppel Bay from all coal export terminals and any further industrial developments in the Fitzroy River Delta, Keppel Bay and North Curtis Island. We need your support, please join on our website.


Working to Protect Keppel Bay from all coal export terminals and any further industrial developments in the Fitzroy River Delta, Keppel Bay and North Curtis Island. We need your support, please join on our website.

The Keppel and Fitzroy Delta Alliance (KAFDA) is supported by a broad alliance of individuals and groups, including conservation, fishing, boating, tourism and local stakeholders. KAFDA recognizes the grave concerns of the Central Queensland community with regard to the proposed developments and the potential impacts of those developments on the ecosystems of the Fitzroy River Delta and consequent impacts on the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. The overall potential impacts to the social, environmental and economic fabric of the area are deemed unacceptable and KAFDA has been formed to achieve the above mentioned Mission Statement. While recognizing that Queensland is currently experiencing a resources boom and that export of coal and other resource commodities is a vital part of our economy, the community and consequently KAFDA object strongly to all proposed coal port and industrial development in the Fitzroy Delta, Keppel Bay and North Curtis Island. The Keppel and Fitzroy Delta Alliance is committed to protect the natural resource of the Fitzroy River Delta and all associated waters flowing into the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park-World Heritage Area and recognizes that the Fitzroy River is the largest river catchment feeding the ecosystem of the Great Barrier Reef.

We need your help to protect the Greater Fitzroy Delta forever…

Congratulations, together we have protected Keppel Bay and the Fitzroy Delta from 2 proposed coal ports! The Greater Fitzroy Delta is the largest and most significant estuarine system at the end of the largest river catchment on the East Coast of Australia. It feeds directly into the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area and is therefore critical to the health, functionality & values of the Great Barrier Reef. May 2013 saw the timely withdrawal of the Glencore/Xstrata Balaclava Island Coal Export Terminal. May 2014 saw the lapsing of the Fitzroy Terminal Project – planning to transfer coal in the waters of Keppel Bay. Our voice as a community was heard by the port developers & decision makers and we were instrumental in sharing the importance of the amazing Fitzroy Delta to UNESCO, the Australian and Queensland governments. We highlighted how much the Greater Fitzroy Delta means to our community, the waters of Keppel Bay and the Great Barrier Reef.

We can’t stop now…Currently the Queensland government is trying to sell off the lease for all the ports and there has not been any meaningful or legal protection placed on the Greater Fitzroy Delta area that would prevent those ports or other industrial development from happening again. NOW is the time to ask for the long term protection for the Greater Fitzroy Delta. NOW is the time for you to help us do this. This video above showcases the magnificent Greater Fitzroy Delta including all of its values. Not just from an environmental perspective, but the social and economic value as well. We are using this video and the accompanying Report to ask our decision makers to follow through with the recommendations of the report. Please add your voice to that request. We know that you have stood up to the threat of these coal port developments before. We need your help now to ensure the Greater Fitzroy Delta will be free from the threat of this type of development forever.

Help us protect the Fitzroy Delta forever. Please sign the petition asking our politicians to provide permanent protection for Delta. We’re collecting signatures from people all over the world who love the Reef and will present the petition to the Premier in the coming weeks. Please make sure your name is on the petition. Read more about the values of the Greater Fitzroy Delta here.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Keppel and Fitzroy Delta Alliance

Facebook: Keppel and Fitzroy Delta Alliance

X: Keppel and Fitzroy Delta Alliance