Indigenous Peoples Organisation

The Indigenous Peoples’ Organisation-Australia (IPO) is a national coalition of 300 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak organisations, community organisations and individual members across Australia.


The Indigenous Peoples’ Organisation-Australia (IPO) is a national coalition of 300 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak organisations, community organisations and individual members across Australia. The IPO was established to promote the rights of Indigenous Peoples at the national, regional, and international levels and to facilitate constructive and collaborative participation of Indigenous peoples at the United Nations. The IPO is a voluntary body, which operates through the direction of a national executive. The IPO is committed to the enactment of internationally recognised Indigenous rights within Australia.

Indigenous Peoples’ Organisation was funded by the Howard Liberal-National Coalition (LNP) Government in 2006, following the abolition of the elected Indigenous representative body, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) in 2005. As part of this process ATSIC’s funding was allocated to mainstream government agencies, with $100,000 annual funding allocated to the Australian Human Rights Commission to administer grant funding for the Indigenous Peoples’ Organisation, to enable Indigenous delegates to attend relevant United Nations forums, through competitive merit selection. In 2014, the Abbott LNP Government cut funding to the Australian Human Rights Commission for this grant. In response, the IPO was reconvened as a national voluntary Indigenous members-driven body, in March 2016. The IPO established a national executive and constitution to provide direction and accountability back to the membership.

(a) To provide a national network of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and individuals:
I. to support the participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within international fora;
II. to support the advocacy of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rights within international fora; and
(b) To advocate for and support the implementation of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples within Australia;
(c) To promote the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within Australia;
(d) To support and promote Indigenous rights globally;
(e) To facilitate and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander reviews and Shadow Reports of Australia’s performance in meeting its human rights obligations in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples.
(f) To provide input into Australian Government and State government polices approaches impacting Aboriginal and Torres strait Islander Peoples.
(g) To promote research into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues that impact Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples;
(h) To liaise with universities, governments, and other national associations to promote these objectives.

(a) The IPO recognises that the invasion, colonization and frequent dispossession of our lands has impacted Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples in various ways in different regions, but we also recognise that despite this diversity, our peoples are united in our demands for de-colonization, self-determination and the assertion of our sovereignty.
(b) The IPO recognises the experience and wisdom our Elders bring to the deliberations, planning, operational and strategic direction of the IPO.
(c) The IPO abides by the principles of cultural respect around men’s business and women’s business;
(d) The IPO abides by the principles of the UNDRIP as minimum standards of Indigenous decision making and acknowledge and respect our custodial responsibilities, the obligations of Traditional Owners and our communal imperative.
(e) The IPO takes steps to promote the particular needs of women, children, youth, the Elderly and those with a disability.
(f) The IPO operates with respect to cultural and general rules of engagement within an organizational and community setting;
(g) IPO Members will maintain a safe, constructive and collaborative work environment where differing views are treated with respect, as outlined under the Members Regulations.
(h) The IPO abides by due processes for selection and election of representatives of the IPO;
(i) The IPO follows principles of accountability, responsibility and due respect
(j) The IPO abides by the principles of engagement, consultation and representation;
(k) IPO Members will represent our people with dignity, integrity, honesty and respect at all times.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Website: Indigenous Peoples Organisation

Facebook: Indigenous Peoples Organisation