Hills Climate Action Group

Hills Climate Acgtion Group is dedicated to helping educate the community about the issue of climate change, and more importantly to provide inspiration, ideas and resources for how to go about reducing your personal carbon footprint.


This website is dedicated to helping educate the community about the issue of climate change, and more importantly to provide inspiration, ideas and resources for how to go about reducing your personal carbon footprint. If you would like to know a little more about climate change and why I became so concerned about the challenges it is bringing, check out the “Why I’m Concerned About Climate Change” story under the “Information” tab above. If you’d like to know what I and my family have done to reduce our carbon emissions to zero, or what you can do to reduce your emissions, then check out the stories under the “Information” and then the “Take Action” tabs.

I am helping to educate the community about climate change by delivering Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” lectures. If you would like to know more about these lectures, would like to know my lecture schedule, or would like to request a new lecture, then go to the story under the “Information” and then the “Lectures” tabs. Lastly, climate change is a serious topic, and it is easy to get a little depressed about the ramifications of climate change. If you’d like a few laughs on the topic of climate change then check out the YouTube videos that I’ve loaded on the page under “Information” and “Humour”. Happy browsing, and please don’t hesitate to provide feedback or get in touch.

The Hills Climate Action Group formed in May 2008 to provide a forum for residents of the Perth Hills to play an active role in warding off climate change. The group is currently in the process of developing a website, however in the meantime you can find out more information about some of the things the group is involved with at : http://www.safeclimate.org.au/

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:


Climate Action Network

Eastern Terminal Substation

Electronic Newsletter

Lobbying Local Councils

Lobbying State Government

Public Forum

Solar Panels

Water Tanks






Federal Electorate:


Website: Hills Climate Action Group