Eastern Terminal Substation

The current aim of the SETS Group is to oppose the siting of the Eastern Terminal Sub-station within Western Power’s pecified study area and the augmentation of the Collie to Eastern Terminal 330kV transmission line.
Consider alternatives to the construction of the Eastern Terminal Substation in the Hills area


Provide liasion between HCAG and the Stop the Eastern Terminal Substation (SETS) Action Group to put pressure on Western Power to consider alternatives to the construction of the Eastern Terminal Substation in the Hills area.

We are the Stop the Eastern Terminal Substation Group (SETS Group).

We are a collective of concerned people local to the areas of Kalamunda, Piesse Brook, Bickley Valley, Hackett’s Gully, Pickering Brook, Lesmurdie and Gooseberry Hill.On the 26 September 2007, Westen Power invited some 1000 of the 50000 residents within the Kalamunda Shire to attend a community briefing on the proposed project of the Eastern Terminal sub-station and Collie Transmission Line 330 kV augmentation. Registered participants were then invited to followup  “consultation” community workshops held at the Kalamunda Agricultural Hall, on the 22, 23, 24 October 2007. As a result of inadequacies in Western Power consultation processes, the SETS Group was created as a voice for the many interests and opinions of the community. The current aim of the SETS Group is to oppose the siting of the Eastern Terminal Sub-station within Western Power’s pecified study area and the augmentation of the Collie to Eastern Terminal 330kV transmission line. It is also our aim to educate all the relevant Stakeholders (who we believe were “overlooked” by Western Power) as to what the potential impacts of the project will mean to them.   

The Eastern Terminal and Collie to Eastern Terminal transmission line augmentation, represents severe risks associated with:
– clearing of high
– conservation value forest area, which will further destroy one of the most recognised biodiverse remaining areas in the world;
– likely contamination to a Priority 1 and 2 Water Catchment Areas;
– increased fire risk in an Extreme Bush Fire Risk Areas;
– degradation to the scenic beauty of the areas;
– reinforcing Western Australia’s place as the highest per capita polluter of Greenhouse Gases in the world;
– restricted future access, use and enjoyment of the State Forest and National Park areas;endangerment of local businesses livelihoods in the areas of tourism, viticulture and food production;
– environmental pollution from increased EMF radiation to local residents;
– and devaluation of property values.

If you want to preserve what little remains of the Perth hills forest areas, then, meet, email, and join us!

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Campaign's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

Campaign Details

Group Leading this Campaign: Hills Climate Action Group

Campaign Target Type:

Who this Campaign is Targeting: Western Power

Main Issue of the Campaign:

Campaign Outcome:

Outcome Evidence: No evidence is available to assess whether Western Power has considered alternatives to the construction of the Eastern Terminal Substation in the Hills area

Year Outcome Assessed:

Geographic Range of Activity:


Eastern Terminal Substation