Greenpeace Australia Pacific

Greenpeace is the leading independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful protest and creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.


Our mission: Greenpeace is the leading independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful protest and creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.

Our History
A group of thoughtful, committed citizens came together in 1971 to create Greenpeace. A handful of determined activists leased a small fishing vessel, called the Phyllis Cormack, and set sail from Vancouver for Amchitka Island in Alaska. Their mission was to protest U.S. nuclear testing off the coast of Alaska with a brave act of defiance: to place themselves in harm’s way. Despite being intercepted by the U.S. Coast Guard, these daring activists sailed into history by bringing worldwide attention to the dangers of nuclear testing. Learn more about how it all began here.

Our Values
We ‘bear witness’ to environmental destruction in a peaceful, non-violent manner;
We use non-violent confrontation to raise the level and quality of public debate;
In exposing threats to the environment and finding solutions we have no permanent allies or adversaries;
We ensure our financial independence from political or commercial interests;
We seek solutions for, and promote open, informed debate about society’s environmental choices.

Our investigations expose environmental crimes and the people, companies and governments that need to be held responsible. We bring together diverse perspectives, communities and individuals. Working together, we stop the destruction of the environment using peaceful direct action and creative communication.

We believe in the public’s right to know about what’s happening to our planet. Our investigations expose environmental crimes and the people, companies and governments that need to be held responsible. We’ve exposed illegal fishing and human rights violations at sea, illegal timber trading across the globe, and tracked how dirty energy money in politics affect the policies around climate change. Before we solve an environmental problem, we need to know how it works, and we’re committed to figuring that out. We work with experts, scientists and researchers across the globe to build a deep understanding of the problem, and we push for transparency from our government and corporations. We provide detailed investigations into global corporations to see which companies are part of positive change, and which ones are holding us back. Our research team uses tools like the Freedom of Information Act to hold the government accountable for its actions. Then we provide that information to our members and the public so we all have the facts to make informed decisions. “What does the planet need to be healthy?’ The answer, and nothing else, determines Greenpeace’s position on an environmental issue. Not politics, not donations, not what anybody else says or does. Our campaigns plot the most direct course from where we are today to where we need to be for a sustainable planet.” Mark Floegel, Greenpeace Research Director

Each one of us can make small changes in our lives, and when we work together we can change the world. Greenpeace connects people from all over the globe; We bring together diverse perspectives, and help communities and individuals to come together to work toward a just and healthy planet. Greenpeace isn’t just our staff, and it isn’t just our crew –Greenpeace is all of us who are working together for a green and peaceful future. We have active social media platforms, mobilisers who work with volunteers, and an actions team that supports individuals who want to stand up for their beliefs. We organise trainings and skill shares; bring people together for meetings, rallies and marches; and engage all different kinds of people who are impacted by environmental issues. Greenpeace is committed to working together with other environmental groups, impacted communities, and groups and individuals working for social justice, because fair and just treatment of people is intrinsically connected to a healthy planet. “It is only through coming together to take action that we can hope to see the change in the world that we all seek. We aren’t expected to do it, we aren’t told to do it, yet nothing short of doing it will see us win. It’s time to get up and get involved.” Barnaby Lewer – Network Co-ordinator

Greenpeace has the courage to take action and stand up for our beliefs. We work together to stop the destruction of the environment using peaceful direct action and creative communication. We don’t just identify problems, we create solutions. Taking action can mean different things to different people. Our crew ask their supermarket to source more sustainable seafood. They climb coal stacks and oil rigs to raise awareness about destructive fossil fuels and climate change. They share petitions and social media posts with their family and friends. They march in rallies, write letters to politicians, and vote for candidates with strong environmental records. They choose to live a lifestyle that has a lower impact on the planet by choosing what brands to support, what food to eat, and how to travel. What they all have in common is that they don’t just talk about the issues — they do something, because they know that what we do, big or small, can make a difference. “No one at Greenpeace holds the job title of ‘activist’ or ‘climber’ or ‘boat driver’ or ‘banner maker’ — these are roles and responsibilities filled by everyday folks who come back to teach at your local school or run their small restaurant a few days after they just climbed a smokestack or interrupted business as usual at a polluting facility.” Nathan Santry, Action Unit Head

Shifting the Narrative
Stories help us decide which futures are possible and how those futures may be brought into being. If we pay attention to the stories that a culture holds dear, we discover its deep structure. We learn what is most important to people, what they value, and what they disregard. At Greenpeace, we are not content with the stories that already exist. We have something more to say. We recognize which stories are circulating in our culture, and understand that they can be broken apart and rewritten. Greenpeace aims to show a part of the world others haven’t seen before or to help others see that world from an unfamiliar angle. When we expand our vision, we expand the range of what seems possible. Greenpeace does this by rapidly injecting our side of the story into unfolding political events, calling out politicians with vested interests, elevating the voices of Pacific leaders at global climate fora , celebrating progress, conducting deep analysis and investigation into media narratives, and by engaging in thought leadership. Our spokespeople regularly appear in the media driving thousands of mentions per year in Australia and internationally. Greenpeace has a diverse group of commentators and spokespeople available for the media, covering topics such as climate change, extreme weather events like bushfires, the clean energy transition, renewable energy and fossil fuels.