Greencoast Catalysts

Green Coast Catalysts is a not-for-profit group located in Bangalow, in the sub-tropical Northern Rivers region of NSW, Australia. We facilitate local community discussion and planning around energy and environmental sustainability.


Our objective is to help develop community awareness of these issues, and to encourage individuals to start to move towards developing security and resilience in a climate-challenged-world. That’s security for water, food and energy, to begin with. To us, empowering our local community seems like a good place to start.

Green Coast Catalysts is a not-for-profit group located in Bangalow, in the sub-tropical Northern Rivers region of NSW, Australia. We facilitate local community discussion and planning around energy and environmental sustainability. Due to the current level of political uncertainty around climate change issues in Australia, we feel that we can no longer totally rely on centralised government to provide us with the solutions that will be needed at a local level. Since setting up in 2006, we have held a series of facilitated events to educate, stimulate and inform our local community, the idea being to offer individuals a pathway to independence. In order to keep up with the latest science and informed discussion, we’re linked to a number of Australian and international climate change networks, and welcome interaction with other groups or networks with similar aims.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Federal Electorate:


Website: Greencoast Catalysts