Green Roofs Australasia

Green Roofs Australasia aims to advance the inclusion of green infrastructure for sustainability; ecosystem diversity and to mitigate climate change impacts.


Our solution is founded on the genius of NATURE so when we refer to GREEN we mean PLANTS.

Our Vision
GREEN CITIES: The Incorporation Of Green Infrastructure Into The Urban Fabric with the purpose of Advancing the Urban Environment; mitigating impacts of Climate Change; Advancing Social Awareness and improving Health & Wellbeing through Biophilia.

The Principal objects for which the Company is formed are:-
(a) To advance the inclusion of green infrastructure for sustainability; ecosystem diversity and to mitigate climate change impacts.
(b) To specify alternative energy technology which mitigate climate change impact.
(c) To install indigenous planting for the purpose of improving ESG building performance
(d) To use indigenous planting in urban areas for the purpose of carbon sequestration.
(e) To improve the quality of stormwater run-off flowing to catchments, natural waterways and the ocean.
(f) To improve stormwater management in urban areas.
(g) To improve water and air quality.
(h) To reduce carbon emissions from the built environment through enhanced thermal insulation.
(i) To increase the mitigation of Urban Heat Island Effects.
(j) To promote the principles of Ecological Sustainable Development.
(k) To promote the creation of urban green corridors
(l) To create new urban habitats for native flora and fauna.
(m) To improve biodiversity and sustainable ecosystem services.
(n) To raise industry awareness about green infrastructure benefits through internet services; seminars and consultation.
(o) To advocate, promote and educate on the environmental, social and economical benefits of green infrastructure relevant to advancing the built environment.
(p) To promote sustainable development that enhances urban liveability and the health & wellbeing for building users.
(q) To promote the incorporation of biophilic design.
(r) To provide professional best practice; policy development and accredited new skills training for BIV systems (Building Integrated Vegetation)
(s) To provide professional and best practice within the Design & Construction industry..

Green Infrastructure refers to vegetative infrastructure systems which enhance or protect the urban environment through direct or indirect means. It describes the network of green spaces and Water Sensitive Urban Design that deliver multiple environmental, economical and social values to sustainable urban development. Green Infrastructure includes all native urban landscapes which are based on WSUD principals such as green roofs, living walls, urban forests, street canopy trees, landscaping, waterways and wetlands, landscape transport corridors, permeable pathways and plazas, green corridors and urban farming. The importance of green roofs & living walls is increasing worldwide, because it is an efficient & effective way to moderate the impacts that densely populated urban areas have on the ecology & our society. A significant GRA focus is to realise green roofs and living walls. Urban development has replaced the natural environment with hard surfaces serviced by grey infrastructure storm water systems which are unsustainable. Vegetated systems such as green roofs and living walls are sustainable and have the potential to expand exponentially with urban development.

Commitments 2022 – 23
To consult on projects which are aligned with our objectives.
Build a new website
Provide an informative website linked to world networks.
Advocate for the mitigation of climate change impacts.
To provide support for research as a stakeholder.
To promote Building Integrated Vegatation systems for the built environment.

Ongoing Areas For Development
To support all tiers Government in developing green infrastructure policy, planning and legislation.
Research for Australian Green Infrastructure.
Our members include design and construction professionals, building stakeholders, decision makers, environmental consultants, government officials, students and homeowners passionate about sustainable design and living architecture.

In the 21st Century humanity needs to overcome challenges of population growth, food production and the impacts of climate change in order to restore a sustainable balance with nature. GRA is of the belief that this is achievable, however, it will require innovative, informed and decisive government leadership and planning. Innovative revision of planning codes can promote collaborative, unified efforts from the disciplines of architecture, landscape design, urban planning, engineering, ecology, environmental management, botany, psychology and horticulture which can enhance and protect our environment and improve the quality of life for future generations. GRA believes that NOW is the TIME for a review on urban expansion codes and practice. What has worked in the past does not logically make it correct. When we refer to GREEN we mean PLANTS.

Since formation in 2007 we have held National Conferences annually and provided information, new technology, new research and examples of excellence to the general public, professional, trade, commercial, academic and government sectors across Australasia. Since 2008 we have represented as the Australian Board Member for the World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN) promoting our industry to the global stage and participating as ambassadors for the incorporation of green infrastructure systems into urban development, internationally. Our members have consistently presented at international & national conferences & seminars; established associations with AIA, AILA, NGIA, LCA, Universities, Gov’t Departments, Local Councils & Capital City administrations both here and abroad & hosting the World Green Infrastructure Congress for Sydney in 2014. Sidonie Carpenter (past president 2009-11, provided CPD training over 3 years; spoke at many international & national conferences, community seminars and helped establish valued support from AILA, AIA, Melborne, Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane City Councils. Sidonie has now retired from GRA and continues her work as a landscape architect in Brisbane & beyond..

• Zoe Zimmerman – Cooper (2010 – present) founded the NZ association Living Roofs NZ . Zoe represents the NZ industry on the GRA board & is active both globally and in Australasia. In Auckland she has been spearheading a new Hunderwasser Project in Auckland.
• Dr Jana Soderlund (2016) is internationally recognised for her studies and research into the social benefits of urban biophilia working with Dr Peter Newman at Curtin University WA.. In 2018-19 Jana has continued her advocacy with www.biophilic cities
• Rosie Mohorko (2010 – present) is a landscape architect who has worked as a green roof researcher for Sheffield Uni UK and continues to advocate in Australia as the GRA Queensland executive. In 2017 – 18 Rosie provided key comment on Brisbane City Council ‘Green Building Guidelines’ and has been instrumental in promoting policy in Rockhampton Council & Brisbane City since 2016.
• Ana Carneiro Napoli (2015 – present) is an environmental lawyer working for the EDO, Macquarie Uni and GRA as a legislation advocate.
• Indeed all our Executives, past and present have played significant advocacy roles nationally $ in NZ.

In 2022 – 23 GRA sees itself partnering with the wider community on both a professional and social level. Since formation GRA has included the community at a social level by giving lectures at green conferences and speaking events, hence improving the awareness about the vital role, green infrastructure contributes to urban design, regeneration and future planning. Matthew Dillon continues to represent & promote GRA globally through his role as eVP for the World Green Infrastructure Network. In 2017 he spoke at the WGICongress in Berlin and in 2018 he spoke at the WGICongress in Bengaluru, India.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Website: Green Roofs Australasia

Facebook: Green Roofs Australasia