GENI Foundation

The GENI Foundation initiative involves building awareness and powerful support, in the shortest possible time, for the integration of electrical energy grids around the world into a single interconnected grid that spans the globe.


Mission Statement:
“The GENI Foundation initiative involves building awareness and powerful support, in the shortest possible time, for the integration of electrical energy grids around the world into a single interconnected grid that spans the globe*, generating and distributing power from the Earth’s naturally abundant renewable resources – an initiative that will improve the quality of life for everyone without damage to the planet.”
*Walter Cronkite uses the analogy of “a world wide web of electricity using green energy resources.”

“We are passionate about the GENI Foundation initiative because it has shown us how electricity across time zones underpins every foundational need in any society. From lighting, heating, sanitation, refrigeration, irrigation, industry, transport and “climate-change”. It shows us that if we can get electricity to where it is needed most, we automatically solve the major problems being experienced by all of us on planet Earth.” – Ruanna Segal (Trustee)

Strategy for Australia
1. To help facilitate the linking up Australia’s national grid via underwater cable to Papua New Guinea and Indonesia thereby linking more than 250 million people to a potential renewable energy supply. By canvassing industry leaders and educating the general public to the potential of this project.
2. Playing the Global Integration Game (GIG). 120 people have the opportunity to play a fun and interactive game on how the world works on a huge Dymaxion Map. This game brings up insights in what is being done in the current world, what needs to be done, and what one can do about it. This game can also be played in Schools.
3. Presenting GENI Initiative in schools the ‘Spaceship Earth School Presentation’. 90 minute interactive workshop presenting highlights between the Mercator Projection Map and Buckminster Fuller’s more accurate Dymaxion Map. Students are actively involved in exploring the implementation of a global energy grid as a solution to world’s most pressing problems by the interconnection of renewable energy resources.
4. IREC – Independent Renewable Energy Centre. GENI is currently in discussion with organisations interested in developing our project to deploy IREC’s (Independent Renewable Energy Centres). This is a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), project where IRECs (like solar energy generators), are installed in 10,000 villages (in Africa, India, East Timor, Haiti or Australia), and financed by 10,000 sponsoring Australian Corporations. One Corporate sponsoring One village at a time. We also want to encourage the building of small renewable energy centres in remote communities within Australia that are not currently connected to the national grid. This will eventually make it easy for the national grid to be extended because the distances between the new IRECs will progressively get shorter and shorter each time a new one is added. As the network infrastructure is extended, these remote communities will generate their own revenue by supplying the national grid with renewable energy.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

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Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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Website: GENI Foundation

Facebook: GENI Foundation