Extinction Rebellion Families Melbourne and Victoria

We are a group of families based in Melbourne and regional Victoria, who support Extinction Rebellion – a global movement demanding governments act to address the climate crisis.


We are a group of families based in Melbourne and regional Victoria, who support Extinction Rebellion – a global movement demanding governments act to address the climate crisis.

We are the first generation to be raising our children in the midst of climate breakdown, with the knowledge that they will be growing up in a world very different to the one we have known. This truth is painful and frightening. It takes courage to face, but only in the light of this knowledge can we raise our children to have resilience, to be empowered to drive change and a new way of living, and for us to do what we can to protect their future. This is not easy, and we need each other now more than ever, which is why we are building a community of families who are living with this knowledge. A place where we can support each other whilst we raise our children in these challenging times.

We plan to organise family-focussed events, facilitate child-friendly spaces at XR Actions, and share information and advice for cultivating regenerative culture for our children and ourselves. Members from around Australia who are interested in starting a local group are most welcome to join for inspiration and support. Please be respectful of different parenting styles and circumstances, we are an inclusive group. We hope this will be a network of loving support which will keep us strong, aware, and empower us to take action in whatever ways we can.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Extinction Rebellion Australia


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Facebook: Extinction Rebellion Families Melbourne and Victoria