Environmental Defenders Office Tasmania

EDO Tasmania is a community legal service providing free information and advice to individuals and groups throughout Tasmania.


EDO Tasmania is a community legal service providing free information and advice to individuals and groups throughout Tasmania. We can assist with a range of environmental and planning matters, including forestry, development activities, coastal protection, water management, marine farming, mining, climate change adaptation and the protection of cultural heritage.

Our aim is to improve awareness of rights and responsibilities regarding resource management, and to help the community to secure better, long-term environmental outcomes. (sourced 9/1/2022 from Wayback Machine https://web.archive.org/web/20190307090909/http://www.edotas.org.au/about-edo/)

What do we do? EDO Tasmania’s objectives include:
– protecting, conserving and enhancing the natural and built environment
– providing access to environmental legal services for disadvantaged persons
– encouraging ecological sustainably solutions to development disputes
– encouraging and facilitating public participation in resource management decisions
– increasing community awareness and understanding of environmental law
– advocating for better laws and policies to protect the environment

How can we help you?
A factory in our suburb constantly emits smelly, black smoke. Is that allowed?

We can advise you about options to address pollution problems and secure better operating conditions
I’ve seen a notice about a proposed subdivision on land near me. I’m worried that the development will destroy habitat for native birds and wildlife. Can I do anything?

We can help you prepare a representation to the Council outlining your concerns. In some cases, we may be able to assist you to appeal against Council’s decision if it does not conform with the relevant planning scheme. Our Casework Guidelines outline the things we will consider when deciding whether to represent you in an appeal.
My community group is concerned that current water conservation laws are not strong enough. Can we do anything to change them?

We can help you to prepare submissions to the government seeking law reform.
Our Coastcare group would like to know more about the laws protecting coastal areas. Where can we get more information?

EDO Tasmania produces a range of publications with useful information about Tasmania’s laws. We can also meet with your community group to provide information about any issues you are concerned about.

What don’t we do? EDO Tasmania is not able to take on work relating to:
– Criminal law (such as protest actions, trespass and property damage)
– Non-environmental issues (such as defamation)
– Commercial or private matters

If your concerns relate to any of these matters, please contact Legal Aid on 1300 366 611. EDO Tasmania provides advice and assistance to people and organisations considering legal action. We do not have capacity to undertake scientific investigations or assessments. We can act on behalf of a client, but do not commence appeals or enforcement proceedings ourselves. For more information about the work of EDOs around Australia, check out Environment Matters.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Environmental Defenders Office


Group Status:

Years Active: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Geographic Range of Activity:





Website: Environmental Defenders Office Tasmania