Environmental Defenders Office SA

The EDO is an independent community legal centre specialising in public interest environmental law. We offer professional legal advice and (in a small number of cases) representation, law reform and policy work and community legal education.


The environment’s legal team since 1992 – protecting the public interest – evening the odds. The EDO is an independent community legal centre specialising in public interest environmental law. We offer professional legal advice and (in a small number of cases) representation, law reform and policy work and community legal education. The EDO defends the environment in a way that no other organisation can – as the environment’s legal team! However, our services are at risk due to Federal government funding cuts. You can help support our work by becoming a member or donating to the EDO. You can read our constitution here. To request legal advice or to find out about our services, please click here.

What we do
Protecting the Public Interest – Evening the Odds
Our environment is under threat from big business, mining and hostile governments. Around the country, hard-won legal protections that safeguard our clean air, soil, oceans, rivers and native vegetation are being wound back and torn up. At the EDO, we use our legal expertise to protect our environment. We give you legal advice, we go to court to protect habitat, and defend your rights to a clean environment. We fight to improve the law when it isn’t working to protect our communities and our environment. We help you to understand the laws in South Australia and how you can use them to protect our environment.

EDO Advisory Service – 60 minutes that could change your life
Initial consultations, with a lawyer, are for one hour. Complex public interest matters may require referral to a staff lawyer for further advice or action. The EDO Advisory Service is located at our office, level 1, 182 Victoria Square, Adelaide. The service operates on selected weeknights. You need to fill out our online request form to apply, or if this is not possible, ring us on (08) 8359 2222 or Country Freecall 1800 337 566 during office hours. An administration fee of $55 /$25 concession applies. See the EDO Guidelines for assistance webpage or download the EDO Guidelines for assistance as a PDF. See also our specific guide to unrepresented parties in the ERD Court. You can also download our referral sheet for private solicitors with experience in environment and planning law.

Legal Representation – Challenging the Status Quo
If detailed advice is needed, further EDO assistance may be available. This can include detailed research, help with preparing cases and representing clients in court. Further assistance is only provided to cases that we consider to be in the public interest. Where matters are complex and time consuming, a contribution towards costs will be needed.

Law Reform – Improving the System
All Australians and future generations benefit from environmental laws that truly protect our environment. That’s why the EDO advocates for better environmental laws at national and state level. We are able to help individuals and community groups with submissions to governments on proposed changes to environmental laws. We know how to achieve real change by meeting with policy makers, presenting evidence at Parliamentary inquiries and government hearings, and working with the conservation sector and community groups to advocate for change.

Community Legal Education – Knowledge is Power.
EDO lawyers present seminars and hypotheticals to community groups and schools on environmental law and related topics. EDO’s Rural Outreach Program – we visit rural locations each year to provide face to face advice and community education. Contact us to find out more: (08) 8359 2222 Country Freecall 1800 337 566. Internet Access – facilities are available for members, clients and law students to use the internet for environmental law research. Equipment available to Community Groups – If you need a data projector for the occasional seminar or workshop – we have a projector for use by groups and individuals. Contact us: (08) 8359 2222.

Note: This descriptive text was copied from the Group's website. Some website links may no longer be active.

More Information

Lead Group: Environmental Defenders Office


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Website: Environmental Defenders Office SA